Displaying 1 - 75 out of 140 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Lithachne horizontalis Chase T. R. Soderstrom 1947 19 Apr 1972 Brazil Rio de Janeiro Serra da Mendanha 650565 Lithachne horizontalis Chase
Echinochloa crusgalli (L.) P.Beauv. T. R. Soderstrom 954 14 Aug 1960 United States of America New York Westchester Co. Pound Ridge. The… 72306 Echinochloa crusgalli (L.) P.Beauv.
Holcus lanatus L. T. R. Soderstrom 945 19 Jun 1960 United States of America New York Westchester Co. Pound Ridge. The… 72322 Holcus lanatus L.
Cinna arundinacea L. T. R. Soderstrom 948 14 Aug 1960 United States of America New York Westchester Co. Pound Ridge. The… 72315 Cinna arundinacea L.
Agrostis perennans (Walter) Tuck. T. R. Soderstrom 946 19 Jun 1960 United States of America New York Westchester Co. Pound Ridge. The… 72323 Agrostis perennans (Walter) Tuck.
Leersia virginica Willd. T. R. Soderstrom 951 14 Aug 1960 United States of America New York Westchester Co. Pound Ridge. The… 72312 Leersia virginica Willd.
Dichanthelium acuminatum (Sw.) Gould & C.A.Clark var. acuminatum T. R. Soderstrom 944 19 Jun 1960 United States of America New York Westchester Co. Pound Ridge. The… 72320 Dichanthelium acuminatum (Sw.) Gould & C.A.Clark var. acuminatum
Bromus kalmii A.Gray T. R. Soderstrom 940 19 Jun 1960 United States of America New York Westchester Co. Pound Ridge. The… 72307 Bromus kalmii A.Gray
Agrostis perennans (Walter) Tuck. T. R. Soderstrom 952 14 Aug 1960 United States of America New York Westchester Co. Pound Ridge. The… 72311 Agrostis perennans (Walter) Tuck.
Agrostis perennans (Walter) Tuck. T. R. Soderstrom 949 14 Aug 1960 United States of America New York Westchester Co. Pound Ridge. The… 72314 Agrostis perennans (Walter) Tuck.
Panicum latifolium L. T. R. Soderstrom 942 19 Jun 1960 United States of America New York Westchester Co. Pound Ridge. The… 72318 Panicum latifolium L.
Poa pratensis L. T. R. Soderstrom 936 19 Jun 1960 United States of America New York Westchester Co. Pound Ridge. The… 72310 Poa pratensis L.
Anthoxanthum odoratum L. T. R. Soderstrom 937 19 Jun 1960 United States of America New York Westchester Co. Pound Ridge. The… 72305 Anthoxanthum odoratum L.
Panicum dichotomum L. T. R. Soderstrom 947 14 Aug 1960 United States of America New York Westchester Co. Pound Ridge. The… 72316 Panicum dichotomum L.
Panicum dichotomum L. T. R. Soderstrom 941 19 Jun 1960 United States of America New York Westchester Co. Pound Ridge. The… 72319 Panicum dichotomum L.
Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) P.Beauv. T. R. Soderstrom 950 14 Aug 1960 United States of America New York Westchester Co. Pound Ridge. The… 72313 Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) P.Beauv.
Festuca subverticillata (Pers.) E.B.Alexeev T. R. Soderstrom 938 19 Jun 1960 United States of America New York Westchester Co. Pound Ridge. The… 72308 Festuca subverticillata (Pers.) E.B.Alexeev
Athroostachys capitata (Hook.) Benth. T. R. Soderstrom 2251 30 Jan 1978 Brazil Rio de Janeiro Jardim Botânico 628794 Athroostachys capitata (Hook.) Benth.
Bambusa tuldoides Munro T. R. Soderstrom 2647 10 Feb 1983 Puerto Rico Mayagüez: Federal Experiment Station 641566
Lolium arundinaceum (Schreb.) Darbysh. T. R. Soderstrom 943 19 Jun 1960 United States of America New York Westchester Co. Pound Ridge. The… 72321 Lolium arundinaceum (Schreb.) Darbysh.
Lolium multiflorum Lam. T. R. Soderstrom 955 14 Aug 1960 United States of America New York Westchester Co. Pound Ridge. The… 72324 Lolium multiflorum Lam.
Merostachys T. R. Soderstrom 2045a 04 Feb 1973 Brazil Rio Grande do Sul Between Ana Rech and Vila… 651129 Merostachys
Danthonia spicata (L.) P.Beauv. ex Roem. & Schult. T. R. Soderstrom 939 19 Jun 1960 United States of America New York Westchester Co. Pound Ridge. The… 72317 Danthonia spicata (L.) P.Beauv. ex Roem. & Schult.
Chusquea longispiculata L.G.Clark T. R. Soderstrom 1180 18 Nov 1964 Brazil Rio de Janeiro Guanabara: Paineras Corcovado, above Rio… 685221 Chusquea longispiculata L.G.Clark
Bambusa tulda Roxb. T. R. Soderstrom 2050 24 Feb 1974 Puerto Rico Mayagüez Federal Experimental Station. 754870 Bambusa tulda Roxb.
Swartzia kaieteurensis (R.S.Cowan) Torke R. S. Cowan | T. R. Soderstrom 2012 02 Mar 1962 Guyana Forest along trail from Kaieteur… 903902 Swartzia kaieteurensis (R.S.Cowan) Torke
Arthrostylidium sarmentosum Pilg. T. R. Soderstrom 2053 02 Mar 1974 Puerto Rico Maricao 01014954 Arthrostylidium sarmentosum Pilg.
Bambusa longispiculata Gamble T. R. Soderstrom 1830 19 Oct 1971 Puerto Rico Mayagüez Federal Experiment Station, Mayagüez. 01015000 Bambusa longispiculata Gamble
Bambusa bambos (L.) Voss T. R. Soderstrom 04 Dec 1972 Puerto Rico Mayagüez Federal Experiment Station. 01044252 Bambusa bambos (L.) Voss
Bambusa bambos (L.) Voss T. R. Soderstrom 2051 27 Feb 1974 Puerto Rico Mayagüez Federal Experiment Station. 01044253 Bambusa bambos (L.) Voss
Cephalostachyum pergracile Munro T. R. Soderstrom 2049 24 Feb 1974 Puerto Rico Mayagüez Federal Experiment Station 01044410 Cephalostachyum pergracile Munro
Merostachys burmanii Send. T. R. Soderstrom 1864 01 Mar 1972 Brazil Rio de Janeiro Morro Novo Mundo 01049034 Merostachys burmanii Send.
Merostachys calderoniana Send. T. R. Soderstrom 2130 08 Apr 1976 Brazil Bahia Boundary of Municipios Camacã and… paratype 00915425 Merostachys calderoniana Send.
Phyllostachys T. R. Soderstrom 1179 18 Nov 1964 Brazil Rio de Janeiro Guanabara: Palmeiras Corcovado, above Río… 01066539 Phyllostachys
Merostachys calderoniana Send. T. R. Soderstrom 2130 08 Apr 1976 Brazil Bahia Boundary of Municipios Camacã and… paratype 1093438 Merostachys calderoniana Send.
Merostachys calderoniana Send. T. R. Soderstrom 2130 08 Apr 1976 Brazil Bahia Boundary of Municipios Camacã and… paratype 1093439 Merostachys calderoniana Send.
Arundinaria T. R. Soderstrom 2501 15 May 1978 United States of America Georgia Georgia: Savannah: U.S.D.A. Plant Introduction… 1633394 Arundinaria
Arundinaria T. R. Soderstrom 2047 02 May 1973 United States of America Maryland Plants were part of McClure's… 1634515 Arundinaria
Bambusa oldhamii Munro T. R. Soderstrom 1835 20 Oct 1971 Puerto Rico Mayagüez Cultivated at Federal Experiment Station,… 01529896 Bambusa oldhamii Munro
Miconia salicifolia (Bonpl. ex Naudin) Naudin T. R. Soderstrom 1280 30 Sep 1966 Colombia Cundinamarca Pramo de Chisacá. 1654071 Miconia salicifolia (Bonpl. ex Naudin) Naudin
Colanthelia burchellii (Munro) McClure T. R. Soderstrom 1175 18 Nov 1964 Brazil Rio de Janeiro Guanabara: Silvestre Corcovado, above Río… 1552587 Colanthelia burchellii (Munro) McClure
Hypericum thuyoides Kunth T. R. Soderstrom 1235 23 Sep 1966 Colombia Cundinamarca Páramo de Guasca, on the… 02059241 Hypericum thuyoides Kunth
Bejaria resinosa Mutis ex L.f. T. R. Soderstrom 1232 23 Sep 1966 Colombia Cundinamarca Páramo de Guasca, on the… 2492289 Bejaria resinosa Mutis ex L.f.
Bambusa mutabilis McClure T. R. Soderstrom 1811 15 Oct 1971 Puerto Rico Mayagüez Federal Experiment Station. 01014999 Bambusa mutabilis McClure
Chusquea ramosissima Lindm. T. R. Soderstrom 2135 09 Apr 1976 Brazil Bahia Belmonte Mun. Fazenda Gaio Lego,… 651006 Chusquea ramosissima Lindm.
Alvimia gracilis Soderstr. & Londoño T. R. Soderstrom 2147 11 Apr 1976 Brazil Bahia Belmonte Mun. 31 km southwest… 884641 Alvimia gracilis Soderstr. & Londoño
Chusquea oxylepis (Hack.) Ekman T. R. Soderstrom 2124 06 Apr 1976 Brazil Bahia Camacan Mun. Fazenda João Elias,… 01048086 Chusquea oxylepis (Hack.) Ekman
Merostachys procerrima Send. T. R. Soderstrom 2157 22 Apr 1976 Brazil Bahia Camamu Mun. 42 km from… 01048931 Merostachys procerrima Send.
Chusquea ramosissima Lindm. T. R. Soderstrom 2107 03 Apr 1976 Brazil Bahia Floresta Azul Mun. 5 kms… 651008 Chusquea ramosissima Lindm.
Merostachys leptophylla Send. T. R. Soderstrom 2106 03 Apr 1976 Brazil Bahia Ibicaraí Mun. Between Ibicaraí and… isotype 00915424 Merostachys leptophylla Send.
Eremocaulon aureofimbriatum T. R. Soderstrom 2156 22 Apr 1976 Brazil Bahia Ibirapitanga Mun. Road between Ubaitaba… 686837 Eremocaulon aureofimbriatum
Eremocaulon aureofimbriatum T. R. Soderstrom 2156 22 Apr 1976 Brazil Bahia Ibirapitanga Mun. Road between Ubaitaba… 686838 Eremocaulon aureofimbriatum
Eremocaulon aureofimbriatum T. R. Soderstrom 2156 22 Apr 1976 Brazil Bahia Ibirapitanga Mun. Road between Ubaitaba… 686839 Eremocaulon aureofimbriatum
Merostachys T. R. Soderstrom 2219 23 May 1976 Brazil Bahia Ilhéus Mun. Inema, Fazenda Santa… 00915428 Merostachys
Chusquea oxylepis (Hack.) Ekman T. R. Soderstrom 2218 22 May 1976 Brazil Bahia Ilhéus Mun. Inema, Fazenda Santa… 01048087 Chusquea oxylepis (Hack.) Ekman
Piresia T. R. Soderstrom 2215 20 May 1976 Brazil Bahia Itacaré Mun. 5 km SW… 01066525 Piresia
Ruellia affinis (Nees) Lindau T. R. Soderstrom 2115 04 Apr 1976 Brazil Bahia Itaju do Colônia Mun. Fazenda… 492265 Ruellia affinis (Nees) Lindau
Raddia angustifolia Soderstr. & Zuloaga T. R. Soderstrom 2110 04 Apr 1976 Brazil Bahia Itaju do Colônia Mun. Fazenda… isotype 1240078 Raddia angustifolia Soderstr. & Zuloaga
Chusquea oxylepis (Hack.) Ekman T. R. Soderstrom 2181 03 May 1976 Brazil Bahia Itajuípe Mun. 4 km north… 01048088 Chusquea oxylepis (Hack.) Ekman
Chusquea T. R. Soderstrom 2184 03 May 1976 Brazil Bahia Itajuípe Mun. 4 km north… 01048083 Chusquea
Chusquea meyeriana Rupr. ex Döll T. R. Soderstrom 2184 03 May 1976 Brazil Bahia Itajuípe Mun. 4 km north… 01048082 Chusquea meyeriana Rupr. ex Döll
Merostachys annulifera Send. T. R. Soderstrom 2185 03 May 1976 Brazil Bahia Itajuípe Mun. 4 km north… 01048983 Merostachys annulifera Send.
Guadua paraguayana Döll T. R. Soderstrom 2186 05 May 1976 Brazil Bahia Itajuípe Mun. 2 km south… 630628 Guadua paraguayana Döll
Guadua paraguayana Döll T. R. Soderstrom 2186 05 May 1976 Brazil Bahia Itajuípe Mun. 2 km south… 630629 Guadua paraguayana Döll
Merostachys annulifera Send. T. R. Soderstrom 2158 23 Apr 1976 Brazil Bahia Ituberá Mun. Ca. 2 km… 01048906 Merostachys annulifera Send.
Chusquea oxylepis (Hack.) Ekman T. R. Soderstrom 2155 20 Apr 1976 Brazil Bahia Maraú Mun. 6 km north… 650986 Chusquea oxylepis (Hack.) Ekman
Chusquea oxylepis (Hack.) Ekman T. R. Soderstrom 2155 20 Apr 1976 Brazil Bahia Maraú Mun. 6 km north… 650989 Chusquea oxylepis (Hack.) Ekman
Guadua paraguayana Döll T. R. Soderstrom 2128 07 Apr 1976 Brazil Bahia Mascote Mun. 20 km east… 630627 Guadua paraguayana Döll
Merostachys T. R. Soderstrom 2129 07 Apr 1976 Brazil Bahia Mascote Mun. 20 km east… 01048934 Merostachys
Merostachys argentea Send. T. R. Soderstrom 2213 15 May 1976 Brazil Bahia Porto Seguro Mun. Forested slopres… isotype 00915427 Merostachys argentea Send.
Merostachys lanata Send. T. R. Soderstrom 2207 13 May 1976 Brazil Bahia Porto Seguro Mun. Parque Nacional… 01048956 Merostachys lanata Send.
Merostachys lanata Send. T. R. Soderstrom 2207 13 May 1976 Brazil Bahia Porto Seguro Mun. Parque Nacional… 01048957 Merostachys lanata Send.
Merostachys lanata Send. T. R. Soderstrom 2191 09 May 1976 Brazil Bahia Porto Seguro Mun. 7 km… isotype 01048933 Merostachys lanata Send.
Merostachys lanata Send. T. R. Soderstrom 2191 09 May 1976 Brazil Bahia Porto Seguro Mun. 7 km… isotype 01048958 Merostachys lanata Send.
Merostachys medullosa Send. T. R. Soderstrom 2212 15 May 1976 Brazil Bahia Porto Seguro Mun. Forested slopres… isotype 01048932 Merostachys medullosa Send.