Palm Patterns
Creating specimens of palms pose a challenge to collectors—how best to trim, arrange,…
Paphiopedilum is genus of slipper orchid found in tropical Asia, from eastern…
People for Scale
A picture is worth a thousand words, and sometimes it's easier to…
Pertusaria andersoniae
Specimen StoriesWomen in Science
Some of our herbarium specimens are of incredibly rare species. This is…
Phalaenopsis, the moth orchids, are perhaps the most commonly cultivated orchid. With…
Phenology and Herbarium Specimens
As habitats get warmer, a plant's life cycle can change. For example, when spring…
Specimen StoriesFocus on Science
Greek: Philo- (love) dendron (tree) There are close to 500 species of…
Picnic in Central Park
Since its completion in 1876, Central Park has been a favorite destination…
Upon first glance, this mounted specimen may seem nothing more than an…
Pitcher Plants
Pitcher Plants sometimes attract insects to their specialized leaves with nectar or…
Plant Inspired Innovations: Nepenthes and Slippery Liquid-Infused Porous…
Most plants absorb nutrients from the soil through their roots. Carnivorous plants…
Plant species named after Alice Eastwood
Several botanists have honored Eastwood's contributions to science by naming new plant…
Plants of Sítio Roberto Burle Marx
Roberto Burle Marx was an artist, a landscape architect and an early…
Pleurothallid orchids of Mexico!
The Pleurothallid orchids are a clade of related genera, meaning they are…
Point Judith
Can't get away to the beach? Let these field photographs and algae…
Polka-dot Ferns
Unlike flowering plants, ferns reproduce with spores instead of seeds. Fern spores…
Pollination after dark
Although sometimes overlooked, bats are vital pollinators for many economically important species…
Prairie White Fringed Orchid
Nearly all of the habitat of the endangered Prairie White Fringed Orchid…
Prosthechea of Mexico!
Prosthechea is a large tropcial American genus of 125 known species, occuring…
Queer Love Lives in Hyacinth
The flowering period of hyacinth may have passed, but their celebration continues…
Rainbow of Plant Dyes
People have been dyeing their clothing with plants since ancient times. All around…
Reindeer Lichens
In this most wonderful time of the year, Christmas is naturally on…
Remembrances of Yours
There’s rosemary, that’s for remembrance.Pray you, love, remember. And there is pansies,that’s…
Resurrecting from the Dead
I remember coming across Selaginella lepidophylla while imaging herbarium specimens for the…
Rice and its Wild Relatives
Humans have been farming rice for approximately 10,000 years. The two major…
Richard Spruce
“Whenever rains, swollen streams, and grumbling Indians combined to overwhelm me with…
Riclef Grolle
Riclef Grolle (1934 – 2004) was among the most dedicated and knowledgeable…
Rooted in Plants: An Interview with Arvolyn Hill
Arvolyn Hill is the Family Programs Coordinator at the Everett Children’s Adventure…
Roses are Red, Sometimes Green, but Always the…
Roses are one of the world’s most beloved blooms, with millions of…
Royal Collector
Cabinet of CuriositiesCollectors
Prince Henri of Orléans, a French royal, collected this parasitic fungi in Tibet while…
Royal Symbols
Plants have been employed as royal symbols through time and across cultures.…
Salix loan to Japan
Botany is a collaborative science that relies on sharing data and specimens…
Sarah “Sadie” Frances Price
Sarah “Sadie” Frances Price (1849-1903) was one of Kentucky’s most esteemed botanical…
Season it with Leaves
Culinary herbs are plants with aromatic properties and that are used for…
Seeds go ballistic
Getting help is great, but sometimes you just have to do something…
Seuss-ian Specimens
While the illustrations in books by Dr. Seuss depict fanciful folliage, reality…
Sister Mary Clare Metz: Faith and Flora
While digitizing specimens for the Texas and Oklahoma Regional Consortium of Herbaria,…
Skunk Cabbage
Specimen StoriesFocus on Science
A locally occuring arum in the northeast U.S., skunk cabbage, Symplocarpus foetidus…
Smooth rock tripe
This Umbilicaria species is regarded to be one of the largest lichens…