Marantaceae, Arrowroot family

Jan 29 2019

Specimen Stories

Marantaceae, the Arrowroot family, is thought to have originated in Africa, though much of…

By Nicole Tarnowsky

Spider Plant

Jan 30 2019

Specimen Stories

The spider plant is in the genus Chlorophytum which contains almost 200 species, mostly originating…

By Nicole Tarnowsky

John Cage

Jan 31 2019


Mostly remembered for his experimental music compositions, John Cage was also a…

By Laura Briscoe

Richard Spruce

Jan 31 2019


“Whenever rains, swollen streams, and grumbling Indians combined to overwhelm me with…

By Laura Briscoe

Bearclaw Poppy

Feb 1 2019

Specimen Stories

Native to a small area of southern Utah, only six populations of…


Feb 4 2019

Specimen Stories

Lavender has been used in traditional medicine for centuries for its soothing…

Banded Mottlegill

Feb 5 2019

Specimen Stories

This mushroom was called 'weed Panaeolus' because it would frequently grow as…


Feb 5 2019

Specimen Stories

Tea is a widely popular and culturally significant beverage brewed from the…

Madagascar periwinkle

Feb 5 2019

Specimen Stories

Commonly known as Madagascar periwinkle, this member of the dogbane family has…

By Leanna Feder

George Washington Carver

Feb 5 2019


George Washington Carver (1860s–1943) was an inventor, teacher, botanist, and mycologist (a…

By Amy Weiss

Victorian fern collecting (and overcollecting)

Feb 15 2019

Fern collecting was one of few hobbies to transcend class and gender…

By Amy Weiss

Women's Scientific Empowerment

Feb 15 2019

Women in Science

Natural history was immensely popular in the Victorian era, but women were…

By Amy Weiss

Typical: Astragalus cusickii var. packardiae

Feb 27 2019

Specimen Stories

Covered in flower dissection illustrations by Rupert Barneby — we should all…

By Amy Weiss

Damaged by enemy action

Mar 1 2019

Specimen Stories

Herbarium specimens are windows into the past and can help us answer…

By Amy Weiss

Good grief, Charles Geyer

Mar 1 2019


Charles (Karl) A. Geyer was a pioneer botanical collector of the Northwestern…

By Amy Weiss

Typical: Hibiscadelphus stellatus

Mar 5 2019

Specimen Stories

This type specimen is like a postcard from Hawaii reading "Wish you…

By Amy Weiss

Ynes Mexia

Mar 6 2019


Ynes Mexia began her botanical career at age 55 when she embarked…

By Leanna Feder

What is a type specimen?

Mar 6 2019

What's in a name?

When a researcher names a new species of algae, fungi, or plant,…

By Amy Weiss

Alice Eastwood Correspondence to Anna Vail (NYBG Librarian)…

Mar 8 2019

San Francisco, Cal., Jan. 12, 1897My dear Miss Vail:You are very kind…

By Alice Eastwood, Leanna Feder