Cultivation and Ecology of Dates
The date palm requires ample sunlight, high temperatures (though it can survive…
The Nourishing Power of Dates
As the Islamic month of fasting – Ramadan – comes to a…
Date Syrup Jallab
There are many recipes featuring dates and their byproducts across many cultures,…
Ethnobotanical Uses of Dates
Although eating the fruit may be the most well-known use of the…
A Vanilla Voyage: Exploring the Spice's Legacy in…
Vanilla planifolia, commonly known as vanilla, is one of the most instantly…
Ancestral Achiote
In many Caribbean and Latin American households, most of us have known…
The eggplant, also known as aubergine (Solanum melongena), has no official date…
Sweetsop vs. Soursop: A Great Distinction
The Annonaceae family is the largest plant family within the Magnoliales. The…
Fruits of Rosaceae
Flowering plants differ from all other plants by producing seeds within fruits;…
Black Pepper: King of Spices
It’s hard to imagine entering a diner, sitting down on the shiny…
Ginger and Chiya
Ginger, also known as Zingiber officinale is native to tropical climates like…
Aloe: The Plant of Many Wonders
Aloe vera is one of the over 300 species of Aloe belonging…
Sugar Cane and the Tropical Traces of Empires
Take a moment and think about how easy is to get sweet…
Season it with Leaves
Culinary herbs are plants with aromatic properties and that are used for…
Okra’s journey to the United States
Many culinary delights that Americans enjoy today, especially in the Southern United…
Rooted in Plants: An Interview with Arvolyn Hill
Arvolyn Hill is the Family Programs Coordinator at the Everett Children’s Adventure…
The Three Sisters
Companion planting is the technique of growing plants closely together for mutual…
Sticky Rice
Focus on ScienceWhat's in a name?
A couple of years ago I was asked by Michael Purugganan (Dean…
Exploring the Conservation Status of Jamaican Root Tonic…
Jamaican root tonics are fermented beverages composed of roots, bark, and other…
Garden Vegetables
If you're planting your own garden this spring what will you choose to grow?…
Black Botany: The Nature of Black Experience
Black Botany: The Nature of Black Experience seeks to acknowledge the complex…
Love Potions & Charms
Love potions and charms are mentioned countless times throughout literature; from ancient…
Eight Days of Oil
Oil has a special significance for those who celebrate Hanukkah. This Jewish…
Mulled Cider
Put these fruits, seeds, bark, and flower buds together to get mulled…
Maize & Teosinte
Maize (Zea mays), or corn, is a domesticated cereal crop native to…
Rice and its Wild Relatives
Humans have been farming rice for approximately 10,000 years. The two major…
Tomato Persona
Choose your tomato persona. While all the same species, Solanum lycopersicum, tomatoes…
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Cabinet of CuriositiesSpecimen Stories
The beloved children's book The Very Hungry Caterpillar is turning 50! See many of…
Heard it through the grapevine
Vitis is the genus of one of the world’s favorite horticultural crop:…
Specimens contained in the William and Lynda Steere Herbarium represent the endless…
Smooth rock tripe
This Umbilicaria species is regarded to be one of the largest lichens…
Fig family, Moraceae
Ficus carica L., the edible common fig has been cultivated for millenia.…
Specimen StoriesFocus on Science
Truffles are fruiting bodies of Tuber fungi that grow underground. The fungi…