Remembrances of Yours

Sep 9 2022

Specimen Stories

There’s rosemary, that’s for remembrance.Pray you, love, remember. And there is pansies,that’s…

By Kelcie Brown

Ginger and Chiya

Aug 4 2022

Specimen Stories

Ginger, also known as Zingiber officinale is native to tropical climates like…

By Ang Lama

Season it with Leaves

Jul 14 2022

Specimen Stories

Culinary herbs are plants with aromatic properties and that are used for…

By Amy Weiss

Naming the Rainbow: Caeruleum / Blue

Jun 4 2022

What's in a name?

The rarest color in nature, caeruleum (Latin for blue), usually indicates a…

By Matthew C. Pace

Naming the Rainbow: Flavum / Yellow

Jun 4 2022

What's in a name?

Flavum (Latin for yellow) is often used to indicate yellow flowers, hairs, or…

By Matthew C. Pace

Naming the Rainbow: Coccineum / Scarlet

Jun 4 2022

What's in a name?

A close cousin of the color rubrum, coccineum (Latin for scarlet) is…

By Matthew C. Pace

Naming the Rainbow: Viola / Violet

Jun 4 2022

What's in a name?

In an etymological twist, the color violet takes its name from the violet…

By Matthew C. Pace

Naming the Rainbow: Purpurea / Purple

Jun 4 2022

What's in a name?

The deep color purpura, Latin for purple, is commonly used to indicate…

By Matthew C. Pace

Bigelow's mushroom photographs

May 25 2022

Works of Art

In the herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden there are over 30,000…

By Amy Weiss

A World of Botanical Illustrations: Japanese plants referenced…

May 19 2022

Works of Art

For decades, Studio Ghibli Inc. has been revered as one of the…

By Danna Carina Cruz

Okra’s journey to the United States

Jan 21 2022

Specimen Stories

Many culinary delights that Americans enjoy today, especially in the Southern United…

By Elizabeth A. Gjieli

NYBG 2021 New Species Review!

Dec 24 2021

Focus on Science

Every year, botanists describe hundreds of new plant, fungal, and lichen species from…

By Matthew C. Pace

Label Appreciation: Favorites

Dec 21 2021

Works of Art

Labels are as important to a herbarium specimen as the plant, alga, or…

By Amy Weiss

Lichens at the Seashore

Sep 4 2021

Lichens are highly adapted organisms found in nearly every ecosystem on Earth,…

By Amanda M. Chandler

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