NYBG 2022 New Species Review!
Every year, botanists describe hundreds of new plant, algal, fungal, and lichen…
Vanda is a tropcial Asian and Australian orchid genus with 85 known…
Orchids in your Home!
Orchids are the largest plant family, with over 28,000 known species, and…
Phalaenopsis, the moth orchids, are perhaps the most commonly cultivated orchid. With…
Miltonia consists of 20 naturally occuring species and hybrids that are entirely…
Paphiopedilum is genus of slipper orchid found in tropical Asia, from eastern…
Cattleya is a genus of 129 tropcial American orchids distributed from Costa…
With over 1,800 know species, Dendrobium is one of the 10 most…
Black Pepper: King of Spices
It’s hard to imagine entering a diner, sitting down on the shiny…
NAACP member J. E. Spingarn and the Clematis…
Joel Elias Spingarn (May 17, 1875 - July 26, 1939) was a…
Carol Gracie: Interpreter of Nature's Stories
Women in ScienceWorks of ArtCollectors
A beloved member of the NYBG community for over 40 years, Carol…
The Ames–Britton Connection
Specimen StoriesWomen in Science
Blanche Ames Ames (February 18, 1878 – March 2, 1969) was not…
Botanical Ragtime
Artists find inspiration from an infinite number of sources, and many artists…
In this collection are some cyanolichens from the NYBG cryptogamic herbarium, some…
Chicita Culberson
In early March of this year Chicita Culberson, whose work has been…
Upon first glance, this mounted specimen may seem nothing more than an…
Vanishing Lakes: Tulare Lake
The California Central Valley was once a matrix of riparian grasslands and…
Vanishing Lakes: Owens Lake
The drying of Owens Lake is a human-made catastrophe. In 1913, the…
Vanishing Lakes: Salton Sea
Ingloriously described as “the biggest environmental disaster in California history,” and a…
Vanishing Lakes: Great Salt Lake
Great Salt Lake is a shallow, highly saline, terminal lake situated in northern…
Vanishing Lakes: Lake Poopó
Lake Poopó is a saline lake in the Altiplano Mountains of Bolivia.…
Trust in the Crust
earth /ˈərth/noun1) the planet on which we live; the world2) the substance…
Biocrusts of Hot Drylands
Hot deserts are found on all continents except Antarctica and Europe. In…
Biocrusts of Cold Drylands
The default image that comes to mind when thinking of deserts is…
Biocrusts in Disturbed Areas
Our crusty companions play many imperative restoration roles in disturbed habitats, as…
Fruits of Rosaceae
Flowering plants differ from all other plants by producing seeds within fruits;…
Isabella Aiona Abbott: First Lady of Limu
Before Dr. Isabella Aiona Abbott became the first Native Hawaiian woman to…
Botany & Birds: Taking Flight
The exhibition on now at The New York Botanical Garden, is the work of…
Cosmopolitan has a long-standing journalistic reputation for getting straight to the heart…
Queer Love Lives in Hyacinth
The flowering period of hyacinth may have passed, but their celebration continues…
Ancestral Achiote
In many Caribbean and Latin American households, most of us have known…
The eggplant, also known as aubergine (Solanum melongena), has no official date…
Sweetsop vs. Soursop: A Great Distinction
The Annonaceae family is the largest plant family within the Magnoliales. The…
A Vanilla Voyage: Exploring the Spice's Legacy in…
Vanilla planifolia, commonly known as vanilla, is one of the most instantly…
NYBG 2023 New Species Review!
Every year, botanists describe hundreds of new plants, algae, fungi, and lichens…
Cultivation and Ecology of Dates
The date palm requires ample sunlight, high temperatures (though it can survive…