Displaying 1251 - 1325 out of 1575 Object(s)

Term Definition
Scale Any thin, scarious bract or bracteole (usually representing a vestigial leaf found along the stems of some achlorophyllous plants such as species of Voyria (Gentianaceae); the bracteole subtending a flower of Cyperaceae; in pteridophytes, similar structures most commonly found on the rhizomes and stipe and less commonly on the fronds. Scale
Scallop marks A non-technical term used to describe Irregular, shallow depressions on the external surface of bark. Scallop marks
Scape (scapose) A leafless, often bracteate peduncle that arises from near the base of the plant; e.g., in Xyris (Xyridaceae) and many terrestrial Orchidaceae. Scape (scapose)
Scarious Parchmentlike; thin and dry. Scarious
Scatter-hoarding A type of secondary seed dispersal in which some of the diaspores are carried away and intentionally buried or stored (cached) by scatter-hording animals such as agoutis (Dasyprocta spp.) while the other diaspores are eaten and digested, e.g., the dispersal of Brazil nut seeds by agoutis. Same as dysozoochorous. Scatter-hoarding
Schizocarp A dry fruit that splits into several parts (each called a mericarp), each usually with a single seed; e.g., in Apiaceae, most lianas of Malpighiaceae, some Malvaceae, and Serjania spp. (Sapindaceae). Schizocarp
Secondarily indehiscent fruit Fruits that are hypothesized to have evolved indehiscent fruits from ancestors with dehiscent fruits. Secondarily indehiscent fruit
Secondary hemiepiphyte Referring to a plant (e.g., various species of Araceae) that grows from the ground onto its support and later loses its connection with the ground. Compare with epiphyte, hemiepiphyte, and primary hemipiphyte. Secondary hemiepiphyte
Secondary leaflet The second division of a compound leaf. Secondary leaflet
Secondary pollen presentation The presentation of pollen to the pollinator in a place other than the anther; e.g., on the style of Vochysiaceae. Secondary pollen presentation
Secondary pollen presentation The presentation of pollen to the pollinator in a place other than the anther. Secondary pollen presentation
Secondary rachis The rachis from which the second order of leaflets arise or the flowers from the second order of branching of an inflorescence. Secondary rachis
Secondary vegetation Vegetation that develops after disturbance by humans or forces of nature. Secondary vegetation
Secondary vein A leaf vein arising from the midrib or primary vein. Same as lateral vein. Secondary vein
Secondary vein A secondary vein is the second thickest vein in a leaf which arise from the midrib (= primary vein) (Hickey, 1973). Secondary vein
Secondary vein decurrent Referring to a secondary vein that curves downward along the midrib. Secondary vein decurrent
Secondary venation The second order of venation in a leaf blade, i.e., the veins that arise from the midrib. Secondary venation
Secund Referring to leaves, branches, flowers, or other structures that arise or seem to arise from one side of an axis; e.g., the flowers of Heliotropium (Boraginaceae). Secund
Seed The mature ovule that contains the embryo within the seed coat. Seed
Seed coat (= testa) The outer covering of a seed. Same as testa. Seed coat (= testa)
Seed coat (= testa) The outer covering of a seed derived from the integuments of the ovule. Seed coat (= testa)
Seed dormancy Referring to seeds that do not germinate until some time after they are dispersed. Many species of secondary forests, e.g. species of Cecropia, may remain dormant for years until the right conditions become available for their germination. Seed dormancy
Seed germination lateral The seed germinates from the side. Seed germination lateral
Seed germination terminal The seed germinates at the ends. Seed germination terminal
Seed wing circumferential A wing completely surrounding the circumference of the seed. Seed wing circumferential
Seed wing unilateral The seeds of species of Allantoma and Cariniana have wings that arise from one side. Seed wing unilateral
Seedling A young plant that develops from a germinating seed, i.e., including the embryo, cotyledons (if they are present), and the first true leaves (eophylls). Seedling
Seedling Referring to a stage in a plant's development between seed germination and the production of eophylls (= the first true leaves). Seedling
Self-compatible Referring to a plant in which pollen from a plant can fertilize eggs of the same plant; i.e., a plant that can be self-fertilized. Compare with self-incompatible. Self-compatible
Self-incompatible Referring to a plant in which pollen from a plant cannot fertilize ovules of the same plant. Compare with self-compatible. Self-incompatible
Self-pollination Pollination of a flowers with pollen from the same flower or from another flower on the same plant. Self-pollination
Semelpary (semelparic or semelparous) Referring to plants that die after a single episode of flowering and fruiting; e.g., many bambusoid Poaceae and Tachigali (Fabaceae). Same as hapaxanthic and semelparic and opposite of iteroparic, pleionanthic, or polycarpic. Semelpary (semelparic or semelparous)
Semilla El óvulo maduro que contiene al embrión Semilla
Semilla alada en circunferencia Se refiere a una semilla rodeada por un estructura similar a un ala Semilla alada en circunferencia
Sepal (sepals) A segment of the calyx. Sepal (sepals)
Septal arms present An extension from the apex of the lower placentae that appears like arms in medial longitudinal section but in an entire flower are conical around the lower part of the stylar chamber. Septal arms present
Septal arms vestigial Lack of an extension from the apex of the lower placentae that appears like arms in medial longitudinal section but in an entire flower are conical around the base of the stylar canal. Septal arms vestigial
Septal unit The shape of a section of a septum, including both the septal unit stalk and the septal unit head, as viewed in a cross section through the placenta. Septal unit
Septal unit anchor-shaped A type of septal unit headin which the sepal unit expands at the apex to form a broad and rounded head that appears somewhat like an anchor. Septal unit anchor-shaped
Septal unit arrowhead-shaped A triangular septal unit head that is extended from each side of the base of the septal head proper to form what looks like an arrowhead when viewed in a cross-section of the ovary at slightly below the apex of the placenta. Septal unit arrowhead-shaped
Septal unit double bit axe-shaped A type of septal unit which septal unit that possesses a truncate septal unit head and two basal extension and looking like a double bit axe in cross section. Septal unit double bit axe-shaped
Septal unit head The expanded apical part of a septal unit which includes the head proper and many include two septal unit head extensions. Septal unit head
Septal unit head extension Referring to basal extensions from a septal unit head to which the ovules are attached. Septal unit head extension
Septal unit spear-shaped A septal unit shape with septal unit head triangular and the base ob-triangular such that it appears spear-shaped as seen in a cross-section of the ovary. In this type of septal unit, all sides of the septal unit head are slanted in orientation but the basal sides are usually, but not always, shorter than the apical sides. Species that have equal sides, i.e. appearing like a diamond, are also classified as spear-shaped. Septal unit spear-shaped
Septal unit stalk The part of the septum from its departure from the wall of the locule to the point at which it expands into the septal unit head. Septal unit stalk
Septate Referring to a structure divided into chambers by partitions (septa); e.g., septate trihcomes. Septate
Septum (pl. = septa) A wall-like partition of a locule of an ovary that divides the ovary into chambers called locules. The septae are made up of the walls of adjacent carpels Septum (pl. = septa)
Septum (plural = septa) A a wall-like partition of a locule of an ovary or of a fruit (then same as dissepiment and preferred over it). Septum (plural = septa)
Serrada, serrado (diminutivo = serrulada, serrulado) Se refiere a la láminas que tienen márgenes con dientes agudos orientados hacia el ápice. Compárese con dentada y erosa. Serrada, serrado (diminutivo = serrulada, serrulado)
Serrate (diminutive = serrulate) Having a margin with sharp teeth oriented toward the apex of the structure bearing them. Serrate (diminutive = serrulate)
Sésil Se aplica a hojas, inflorescencias y flores que carecen de peciolos, pedúnculos o pedicelos, respectivamente Sésil
Sessile Stalkless, as in some leaves, inflorescences, and flowers. Same as petiole absent. Sessile
Shingle leaves Broadly overlapping, simple, juvenile leaves that are markedly different from adult leaves of the same species; e.g., in certain species of Araceae and Marcgravia spp. (Marcgraviaceae). Shingle leaves
Shoot apex That part of the stem of a seedling above the point of attachment of the cotyledons. Same as epicotyl. Shoot apex
Short shoot A condensed branchlet bearing leaves at the apex. The shoots are usually covered aggregated scars. Short shoot
Shrub A woody plant that is branched at the base or unbranched but less than 2 meters tall. The difference between unbranched shrubs and treelets is sometimes unclear. Compare with treelet and tree. Shrub
Shrub layer A hypothetical stratum in rainforest forest consisting of shrubs and very small trees of tropical rain forest which is located between the ground layer and the understory tree layer. Compare with understory and emergent. Shrub layer
Silicle A fruit similar to a silique but scarcely, if at all, longer than wide, characteristic of some species of Brassicaceae. Compare with silique. Silicle
Silique An elongate (usually more than twice as long as wide) capsular fruit with two seed chambers and a persistent replum, characteristic of some species of Brassicaceae. Compare with silicle. Silique
Simpétala Se dice de la flor o corola que tiene los pétalos fusionados, al menos en parte. Equivalente a gamopétala. Opuesta a polipétala Simpétala
Simple Referring to an organ, such as a leaf, that is not divided into smaller units. Opposite of compound. Simple
Simple leaf Referring to a leaf that is not divided into smaller units. Opposite of compound. Simple leaf
Sinuate Possesssing a wavy or undulate margin. Sinuate
Sinuate Possesssing a wavy or undulate margin. Sinuate
Sinus The space or recess between two lobes of a leaf, petal, or other expanded organ. Sinus
Slash A slanted cut through the bark that reveals charcters useful in field identification of trees. Slash
Slash A slanted cut through the outer and inner barks that reveals characters useful in tree identification. Slash
Smooth A part of a plant, such as the bark or hypanthium, that does not have furrows or conspicuous outgrowth Smooth
Smooth With a plane surface, e.g., without bumps (tuberculate), ribs (costate), wings (alate), or grooves (sulci). Smooth
Smooth hypanthium A hypanthium that does not have furrows or conspicuous outgrowths. Smooth hypanthium
Soft bast The outer functional part of the xylem, i.e., the living part of the xylem that transports water and nutrients to the leaves. Same as sapwood. Soft bast
Solitary flower (inflorescence) Referring to the presence of a single flower in an inflorescence. Solitary flower (inflorescence)
Somatic Referring to plant cells other than reproductive cells (eggs and sperm). Somatic
Sorus (plural = sori) An outgrowth of a fern frond that covers the sporangia. Sorus (plural = sori)
Spadix (plural = spadices) A congested spike with very small flowers that often is subtended by a spathe; e.g., the inflorescences of Araceae. Spadix (plural = spadices)