Taxon Details: Eschweilera coriacea (DC.) S.A.Mori
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Lecythidaceae (Magnoliophyta)
Scientific Name:

Eschweilera coriacea (DC.) S.A.Mori
Primary Citation:

Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 21(2): 203. 1990
Accepted Name:

This name is currently accepted.

Author: S. A. Mori & G. T. Prance

Type: BRAZIL. Amazonas: Ega, 26 Nov 1819 (fl), Martius 2905 (lectotype, M, photo NY, designated Fl. Neotrop. Mongr. 1990; isolectotypes, BM--2 sheets, P, photos P at A & NY).

Description: Canopy trees, usually buttressed. Bark brown to very dark brown, rough to more or less smooth, not markedly fissured, thin, the outer bark to 1 mm thick, the inner 5--7 mm thick, the slash yellowish-white to yellowish-brown. Leaves not known to flush before anthesis: petioles 5-14 mm long; blades 9-26 x 4.5-12.5 cm, elliptic to narrowly elliptic or narrowly obovate to oblanceolate, chartaceous to coriaceous, glabrous, punctae present but not conspicuous, the base acute to rounded, the margins entire, the apex acuminate; secondary veins in 9-16 pairs, plane adaxially. Inflorescences terminal (suprafoliar) or axillary, unbranched or once-branched paniculate arrangements of racemes, the principal rachis puberulous or less frequently glabous, the axes often zig-zagged with pedicel bases persisting; pedicel/hypanthiium 10-22 mm long, tapered to articulation, not sulcate, puberulous. Flowers 3.5-5 cm diam.; calyx 6 six lobes, the lobes ovate to very widely ovate, 3-9 x 3-7 mm, horizontally to obliquely oriented at anthesis, thick, convex to somewhat carinate abaxially, the bases not or scarcely imbricate; petals 6, white; androecial hood 2-coiled, yellow. Fruits 3-4 (excluding operculum) x 3.5-8 cm, depressed globose, woody, more-or-less smooth, often drying black, the infracalycine ring a line, without enlarged, wood calyx-lobes, the supracalycine zone erect, the infracalycine zone truncate or abruptly tapered to pedicel, the pericarp 3-10 mm thick, the operculum convex, not or somewhat umbonate. Seeds to 10 per fruit, 2.5-3 x 1.5-2 cm, circular in cross-section; aril lateral, white.

Common names: Bolivia: palo charke (Thomas & Vandebroek, 2006). Brazil: matamatá, matamatá branco. Colombia: coco, coco majagua. Ecuador: cashnum. French Guiana. baikaaki (Paramaka), mahot blanc, mahot jaune, mahot noir. Peru: machimango blanco, machimango colorado. Surinam: bergi manbarklak, hoogland manbarklak. Venezuela: pocay-yek.

Distribution: A very wide spread species found in E Panama and NW Colombia and throughout the Guianas and the Amazon Basin.

Ecology: The most common species of Lecythidaceae. In central Amazonian Brazil, E. coriacea makes up 1519 trees of the 7,791 trees found in a 100-hectare plot (Mori et al., 2001). It is most commonly found in non-flooded forests on lower slopes and valleys and less commonly in periodically flooded forests. A study by ter Steege et al. (2013) concludes that E. coriacea is the third most abundant of the 16,000 species of trees with diameters over 10 cm that they estimate are found in the Amazon. This study, however, points out that there is considerable error in species identification in ecological studies of tree diversity in the Amazon.

Phenology: Eschweilera coriacea flowers most profusely from Aug to Dec in the Guianas and Amazonia. West of the Andes, flowers have been collected from Jan to Sep. In French Guiana, most species flower in October and November toward the end of the dry season and abundant seed fall has been recorded in the wet season in Mar and Apr (Mori & collaborators, 1987)

Pollination: No observations recordedThe coiled androecial hood produces nectar and this, along with the yellow androecial hood, suggests bee pollination.

Dispersal: No observations recorded.The seeds possess a lateral aril which probaly attracts animals. In French Guiana, Mori has observed that many seedlings are often found under mother trees and, on one occasion, he noted that the cotyledons of all of the seedlings were eaten over night.

Predation: The larvae of xylophagous beetles in the family Cerambycidae feed on the wood of fallen branches and tree trunks of E. coriacea. Because the wood is dead, this activity exerts no apparent selective pressure on the species, and therefore the beetles are not predators in the normal meaning of the word (Lee et al., 2014). Curculionidae (weevils) also attack the wood of this species in the same way (Fassbender et al., 2014). Norconk and Veres (2011) report that a species of Chriopotes and a species of Chiropotes eat young seeds of this species.

Field characters: This species is characterized by its canopy stature; brown to very dark brown bark with a yellowish-white to yellowish-brown slash; buttresses; leaves with the lower midrib of the adaxial surface plante; calyx-lobes with gibbous bases; white petals and yellow androecial hood; and dark-colored fruits that are erect above and truncate below the supracalycine zone.

Taxonomic notes: This is a very wide spread species and, like most species with a large range, it is difficult to be positive that all collections identified as E. coriacea represent this species. Thus, there is the possibility that more than one species is included within herbarium collections identified by us as E. coriacea. Nevertheless, we are convinced that collections from populations as widely separated as Panama and French Guiana represent this species.

Conservation: IUCN Red List: Not on list.

Uses: A tea made from the bark is used as a remedy for stomach aches. The tea is made by boiling a piece of bark until the water turns yellowish (Thomas & Vandebroek, 2006). The bark is fibrous and can be used for making trump lines, tying together temporary shelters, and making a tree-climbing loop called a peconha in Brazilian Portuguese.

Etymology: The specific epithet means "leathery" and most likely alludes to the texture of the leaves.

Source: This species page is based on Mori in Mori & Prance, 1990.

Acknowledgements: We are grateful to C. Galdames (SCZ) for allowing us to use the image below to illustrate the characters of this species.

Flora and Monograph Treatment(s):

Eschweilera coriacea (DC.) S.A.Mori: [Article] Mori, S. A. & Prance, Ghillean T. 1990. Lecythidaceae - Part II: The zygomorphic-flowered New World genera (Couroupita, Corythophora, Bertholletia, Couratari, Eschweilera, & Lecythis). With a study of secondary xylem of Neotropical Lecythidaceae by Carl de Zeeuw. Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 21: 1-376.
Eschweilera coriacea (DC.) S.A.Mori: [Article] Mori, S. A. & Lepsch da Cunha, Nadia M. 1995. The Lecythidaceae of a central Amazonian moist forest. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 75: 1-55.
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S. A. Mori 8615, Suriname
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S. A. Mori 21493
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R. Callejas Posada 3204, Colombia
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E. Sanoja 3298, Venezuela
B. K. Holst 3194, Venezuela
B. K. Holst 3194, Venezuela
B. K. Holst 3198, Venezuela
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G. T. Prance 23205, Brazil
G. T. Prance 23207, Brazil
G. T. Prance 23208, Brazil
G. T. Prance 23209, Brazil
G. T. Prance 23214, Brazil
G. T. Prance 23212, Brazil
G. T. Prance 23213, Brazil
G. T. Prance 23250, Brazil
G. T. Prance 23260, Brazil
G. T. Prance 23261, Brazil
G. T. Prance 23262, Brazil
G. T. Prance 23270, Brazil
G. T. Prance 23271, Brazil
G. T. Prance 24349, Brazil
G. T. Prance 24349, Brazil
G. T. Prance 24222, Brazil
G. T. Prance 23935, Brazil
G. T. Prance 23935, Brazil
G. T. Prance 22837, Brazil
G. T. Prance 22925, Brazil
G. T. Prance 6296, Brazil
G. T. Prance 6296, Brazil
G. T. Prance 24571, Brazil
G. T. Prance P25502, Brazil
G. T. Prance 24349, Brazil
G. T. Prance 23696, Brazil
G. T. Prance 8216, Brazil
G. T. Prance 8216, Brazil
G. T. Prance 21161, Brazil
G. T. Prance 21161, Brazil
B. M. Boom 2018, French Guiana
B. M. Boom 2026, French Guiana
B. M. Boom 2027, French Guiana
B. M. Boom 2029, French Guiana
B. M. Boom 8679, Brazil
B. M. Boom 1951, French Guiana
B. M. Boom 8727, French Guiana
B. M. Boom 1824, French Guiana
B. M. Boom 2001, French Guiana
B. M. Boom 1747, French Guiana
B. M. Boom 2249, French Guiana
B. M. Boom 1910, French Guiana
B. M. Boom 2265, French Guiana
B. M. Boom 2107, French Guiana
B. M. Boom 1758, French Guiana
B. M. Boom 2063, French Guiana
B. M. Boom 1996, French Guiana
B. M. Boom 1924, French Guiana
B. M. Boom 2032, French Guiana
B. M. Boom 2136, French Guiana
B. M. Boom 1930, French Guiana
B. M. Boom 1924, French Guiana
B. M. Boom 1996, French Guiana
B. M. Boom 7541, Guyana
B. M. Boom 10385, Venezuela
B. M. Boom 10385, Venezuela
X. Cornejo 8093, Ecuador
X. Cornejo 8093, Ecuador
X. Cornejo 8099, Ecuador
X. Cornejo 8101, Ecuador
J. J. Pipoly 12875, Colombia
J. J. Pipoly 10941`, Guyana
J. J. Pipoly 10941`, Guyana
B. E. Hammel 21492, Suriname
B. E. Hammel 21492, Suriname
H. H. Rusby 2528, Bolivia
M. H. Nee 34585, Brazil
M. H. Nee 3761, Colombia
M. H. Nee 3761, Colombia
M. H. Nee 34585, Brazil
B. A. Krukoff 7108, Brazil
B. A. Krukoff 8684, Brazil
B. A. Krukoff 8437, Brazil
B. A. Krukoff 8399, Brazil
B. A. Krukoff 8399, Brazil
W. W. Thomas 5545, Colombia
W. W. Thomas 5545, Colombia
W. W. Thomas 5250, Brazil
W. W. Thomas 5250, Brazil
W. W. Thomas 5350, Brazil
W. W. Thomas 5350, Brazil
J. A. Steyermark 92997, Venezuela
J. A. Steyermark 122428, Venezuela
T. C. Plowman 12210, Brazil
B. Maguire 60095, Brazil
B. Maguire 56050, Brazil
B. Maguire 56630, Brazil
B. Maguire 56050, Brazil
B. Maguire 56049, Brazil
B. Maguire 32317, Guyana
E. P. Killip 29284, Peru
J. L. Zarucchi 2622, Brazil
J. L. Zarucchi 2204, Colombia
J. L. Zarucchi 1837, Colombia
R. E. Schultes 14848, Colombia
R. E. Schultes 17883, Colombia
T. B. Croat 85390, Brazil
H. García-Barriga 14003, Colombia
H. García-Barriga 14084, Colombia
H. García-Barriga 14084, Colombia
H. García-Barriga 13819, Colombia
H. García-Barriga 13913, Colombia
H. García-Barriga 13768, Colombia
C. E. Cerón Martínez 5482, Ecuador
C. E. Cerón Martínez 3030, Ecuador
G. S. Jenman 2403, Guyana
W. A. Archer 7825, Brazil
R. L. Liesner 21287, Venezuela
A. P. da Silva INPA/WWF130122712, Brazil
A. Fernandez 7495, Venezuela
A. Fernandez 7058, Venezuela
A. Fernandez 7206, Venezuela
A. Fernandez 4624, Venezuela
A. Fernandez 4463, Venezuela
A. Fernandez 4942, Venezuela
A. P. da Silva INPA/WWF230353772, Brazil
A. P. da Silva INPA/WWF23031502, Brazil
A. P. da Silva INPA/WWF230325732, Brazil
E. L. Little Jr. 534, Ecuador
E. L. Little Jr. 741, Ecuador
E. L. Little Jr. 720, Ecuador
D. D. Soejarto 4082, Colombia
D. D. Soejarto 3505, Colombia
R. C. Ek 1001, Guyana
N. A. Rosa 508, Brazil
N. A. Rosa 518, Brazil
N. A. Rosa 2709, Brazil
N. A. Rosa 2827, Brazil
N. A. Rosa 628, Brazil
E. L. Taylor E1087, Brazil
E. L. Taylor E1091, Brazil
W. L. Balée 1852, Brazil
W. L. Balée 1706, Brazil
W. L. Balée 1638, Brazil
C. V. de Castilho 343, Brazil
P. Acevedo-Rodríguez 6052, Suriname
P. Acevedo-Rodríguez 6052, Suriname
P. Acevedo-Rodríguez 5755, Suriname
A. H. Gentry 53672, Colombia
A. H. Gentry 46189, Peru
A. H. Gentry 45971, Peru
A. H. Gentry 46049, Peru
A. H. Gentry 58121, Peru
A. H. Gentry 57682, Peru
A. H. Gentry 57807, Peru
A. H. Gentry 57611, Peru
M. D. Correa A. 688, Panama
M. D. Correa A. 688, Panama
W. L. Balée 388, Brazil
S. G. Beck 13669, Bolivia
T. J. Killeen 3540, Bolivia
M. H. Nee 50347, Bolivia
M. H. Nee 50396, Bolivia
D. N. Smith 13275, Bolivia
C. Antezana CA1715, Bolivia
C. Antezana CA1715, Bolivia
S. G. Beck 19395, Bolivia
E. Meneces 799, Bolivia
J. C. Solomon 6396, Bolivia
J. C. Solomon 6396, Bolivia
N. Jaramillo 803, Peru
M. Huaman 416, Peru
A. Arostegui V. 110, Peru
A. Arostegui V. 110AAV, Peru
A. Gutierrez R. 157AGR, Peru
A. H. Gentry 26238, Peru
A. Arostegui V. 33, Peru
R. Vásquez 22598, Peru
L. Valenzuela G. 10679, Peru
M. Rimachi Y. 10916, Peru
R. Vásquez 14412, Peru
R. Vásquez 14490, Peru
A. H. Gentry 25924, Peru
C. Díaz Santibañez 1107, Peru
R. Vásquez 8520, Peru
R. Vásquez 11295, Peru
R. Vásquez 8220, Peru
R. Vásquez 2835, Peru
R. Vásquez 4472, Peru
C. Grández 1896, Peru
L. W. Chatrou 195, Peru
L. W. Chatrou 195, Peru
R. Vásquez 11174, Peru
R. Vásquez 8007, Peru
A. H. Gentry 28883, Peru
A. H. Gentry 28883, Peru
A. H. Gentry 25954, Peru
A. H. Gentry 39499, Peru
R. Vásquez 7185, Peru
R. Vásquez 11349, Peru
C. Grández 2264, Peru
R. E. Spichiger 1657, Peru
R. Vásquez 10053, Peru
R. E. Spichiger 1658, Peru
R. Vásquez 10053, Peru
D. C. Daly 5732, Peru
R. Vásquez 8751, Peru
D. C. Daly 6212, Peru
D. C. Daly 6212, Peru
A. L. Bernardi 6-134, Peru
A. H. Gentry 56294, Peru
R. E. Spichiger 1673, Peru
R. E. Spichiger 1659, Peru
A. H. Gentry 46100, Peru
A. H. Gentry 45604, Peru
A. H. Gentry 45604, Peru
A. H. Gentry 45966, Peru
A. H. Gentry 46121, Peru
M. Aguilar 1154, Peru
A. L. Monteagudo Mendoza 10925, Peru
M. D. Pirie 44, Peru
R. B. Foster 9513, Peru
J. M. Schunke-Vigo 14652, Peru
A. Acosta M. 41AAM, Peru
P. Centeno 22, Peru
R. B. Foster 10963, Peru
A. P. da Silva INPA/WWF230333452, Brazil
A. P. da Silva INPA/WWF230358092, Brazil
W. L. Balée 517, Brazil
W. L. Balée 397, Brazil
W. L. Balée 378, Brazil
W. L. Balée 417, Brazil
W. L. Balée 529, Brazil
W. L. Balée 481, Brazil
W. L. Balée 500, Brazil
W. L. Balée 460, Brazil
W. L. Balée 515, Brazil
W. L. Balée 390, Brazil
W. L. Balée 438, Brazil
W. L. Balée 364, Brazil
W. L. Balée 416, Brazil
W. L. Balée 513, Brazil
W. L. Balée 521, Brazil
W. L. Balée 482, Brazil
W. L. Balée 398, Brazil
W. L. Balée 434, Brazil
W. L. Balée 394, Brazil
W. L. Balée 495, Brazil
W. L. Balée 415, Brazil
W. L. Balée 441, Brazil
W. L. Balée 396, Brazil
W. L. Balée 476, Brazil
W. L. Balée 470, Brazil
W. L. Balée 453, Brazil
W. L. Balée 383, Brazil
W. L. Balée 410, Brazil
W. L. Balée 389, Brazil
W. L. Balée 459, Brazil
W. L. Balée 399, Brazil
W. L. Balée 514, Brazil
W. L. Balée 362, Brazil
W. L. Balée 386, Brazil
W. L. Balée 532, Brazil
W. L. Balée 518, Brazil
W. L. Balée 424, Brazil
N. Revelo 31, Ecuador
N. Revelo 31, Ecuador
H. D. Clarke 12115, Guyana
H. D. Clarke 12115, Guyana
H. D. Clarke 12149, Guyana
H. D. Clarke 12149, Guyana
H. D. Clarke 7580, Guyana
H. D. Clarke 7580, Guyana
H. D. Clarke 4574, Guyana
H. D. Clarke 4574, Guyana
H. D. Clarke 6152, Guyana
H. D. Clarke 6152, Guyana
H. D. Clarke 2600, Guyana
H. D. Clarke 2734, Guyana
Eschweilera coriacea (DC.) S.A.Mori
Eschweilera coriacea (DC.) S.A.Mori
Eschweilera coriacea (DC.) S.A.Mori
W. L. Balée 10, Brazil
W. L. Balée 1077, Brazil
B. Hoffman 3283, Guyana
M. G. Silva 4287, Brazil
L. Coêlho 331, Brazil
G. McPherson 15870, Panama
L. Croizat 600A, Venezuela
J. Betancur 10055, Colombia
J. Betancur 10055, Colombia
Fundación Biológica Puerto Rastrojo 4350, Colombia
E. Garcia 179, Panama
J. Ramos 1058, Brazil
J. Ramos 1034, Brazil
J. Ramos 1195, Brazil
M. Aguilar 1136, Peru
V. Wijninga 622, Colombia
R. Vásquez 11125, Peru
R. Vásquez 5458, Peru
R. Vásquez 6242, Peru
R. Vásquez 166, Peru
R. Vásquez 4725, Peru
S. S. Tillet 45783, Guyana
H. L. Vasconcelos P9, Brazil
H. L. Vasconcelos J44, Brazil
M. Diaz 111A, Peru
M. Díaz 111A, Peru
M. Monsalve B 404, Colombia
P. Rivera Inga 011PRI, Peru
A. Webber 1092, Brazil
M. J. Ledesma 182, Bolivia
N. Castaño-A. 1269, Colombia
J. Espíritu 1, Peru
J. Espíritu 2, Peru
E. Cerrate de F. s.n., Peru
R. Miller 758, Brazil
R. Miller 762, Brazil
R. Miller 750, Brazil
E. de Oliveira 3497, Brazil
E. de Oliveira 3703, Brazil
E. de Oliveira 3862, Brazil
L. B. B. (Lands Bosbeheer Suriname) 14651, Suriname
L. B. B. (Lands Bosbeheer Suriname) 14650, Suriname
L. B. B. (Lands Bosbeheer Suriname) 14650, Suriname
L. B. B. (Lands Bosbeheer Suriname) 14650, Suriname
D. da Silva Costa 678, Brazil
R. d. P. Cortés-Ballén 4842, Peru
R. d. P. Cortés-Ballén 5215, Peru
J. Batista 1384, Panama
J. Batista 1384, Panama
J. Batista 1504, Panama