Supplying Digital Images for EMu

From The New York Botanical Garden
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Multimedia related to NYBG specimens or research can be uploaded to EMu. If desired, images (field photographs, SEMs, botanical illustrations, photomicrographs) can be published online via the Digital Image Search on the Virtual Herbarium.

Overview of Metadata Requirements

To be eligible for ingestion into EMu, images must meet minimum metadata requirements:

  • File name (Meets EMu standards)
  • Creator (or Photographer)
  • Scientific name
  • Copyright Owner
  • Copyright Statement
  • If associated with a vouchered NY specimen, the collector's name and collection number are required.

Images and associated metadata must be provided to the Digital Asset Manager according to the procedures outlined below. Image ingestion into EMu occurs as staff time allows.

Supplying Images and Metadata

To facilitate image ingestion, the preferred method of supplying metadata is via Lightroom:

Preparing Images for EMU Ingestion at NYBG using LightRoom

Metadata template guide.pdf

Alternatively, metadata may be provided via an Excel template:

Preparing Images for EMU Ingestion at NYBG using Excel.pdf

Excel Field Photo Metadata Template.xlsx

For either method, contact the Digital Asset Manager to discuss image file transfer options:

File Naming Standards

File names must be unique in EMu, if image files are supplied to the Digital Asset Manager and the file names do not meet EMu standards, the files will be re-named.

EMu File naming-20240229.pdf