Herbarium Management Guides

From The New York Botanical Garden
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So you want to use the herbarium. We can help. 

General Use of Herbarium

Herbarium use guidelines

Who to contact about...

NY Family List and Layout by Floor


Specimens to be mounted may be dropped off at the counter height cabinet on the 4th floor near the lunch table, or in the mounting room, at second table from the door.

  • Please separate staff collections (i.e., any collections that were processed here) from nonstaff collections (those made and processed by staff at other institutions, e.g., gifts for identification that you received).
  • Indicate on droptag: “staff” or “nonstaff”, and whether you want the specimens returned to you or filed into the herbarium.
  • If a collection has separate fruit or material for two sheets, make sure there are enough labels.

If you have specific requirements for your specimens, please consult Nicole before leaving them in the mounting room


Specimens to be filed may be dropped off at counter height cabinet on the 4th floor near lunch table.

  • Some staff members prefer to curate their families themselves. The Herbarium maintains a list of families to be set aside for individual staff members to file. Please contact Nicole if you would like to file a particular family and she will add your name to this list.

Numbering and Sorting Specimens

Specimens to set aside for staff

Filing Instructions


Distributing duplicate specimens on exchange

Specialist List



Distributing duplicate specimens on exchange

Exchange Lists


Vascular Types

Type Annotation Labels

How to get future NY types ready for publication


Guidelines for orienting visitors

Visitor Information

How to Report Inhouse Determinations


How to request a loan
How we process eLoans


Useful tools and guides

Common Abbreviations

Entering Symbols and Diacritics

Curator Handwriting Samples (and general cursive handwriting guide)

How to view multiple calendars in Outlook

The Hand Lens

Every specimen tells a story, and The Hand Lens is a platform for telling those stories. It allows everyone to take a closer look and explore our collections, and the stories they tell, like never before. We welcome story ideas. See the submission guidelines below.

Submission Guidelines for The Hand Lens

Herbarium Open House layout.jpg