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Displaying 81 - 100 out of 1592 Object(s)
Taxon Collector Location Type Status Barcode
Drymonia candida Hanst.J. L. Clark 9572 with University of Alabama in Ecuador Program Participants,
17 May 2007
Ecuador. Napo. Yasuni Biosphere Reserve. Tiputini Biodiversity Station (owned by the Universidad San Francisco, Quito). Sendero Chichico to sendero Parahuaco.
DrymoniaJ. L. Clark 10210 with University of Alabama in Ecuador Program Participants - 2008,
22 May 2008
Ecuador. Napo. Yasuni Biosphere Reserve. Tiputini Biodiversity Station (owned by the Universidad San Francisco, Quito). Sendero Maquisapa to Sendero Harpia.310732703107327.jpg
Drymonia coccinea (Aubl.) WiehlerJ. L. Clark 10233 with University of Alabama in Ecuador Program Participants - 2008,
22 May 2008
Ecuador. Napo. Yasuni Biosphere Reserve. Tiputini Biodiversity Station (owned by the Universidad San Francisco, Quito). Sendero Maquisapa to Sendero Harpia.310735603107356.jpg
Drymonia longifolia Poepp.J. L. Clark 6262
28 Mar 2001
United States of America. Smithsonian Botany Research Greenhouse accession 99-218. Source: Received 14 Sept. 1999. Grown from seed sent by Jim West, Reserva Guacuyacu, Ecuador. Wild origin: Ecuador (not from the Reserva Guacuyacu).
Drymonia conchocalyx Hanst.J. L. Clark 6276
30 May 2001
United States of America. Collected from the Greenhouse of Bob and Dee Stewart (Stow, MA). Stewart accession no. 11369. Obtained by Stewart's from Logee's Greenhouse (Danielson, CT) in December, 1980.
Drymonia oinochrophylla (Donn.Sm.) D.N.GibsonJ. L. Clark 6282
30 May 2001
United States of America. Collected from the Greenhouse of Bob & Dee Stewart (Stow, MA). Stewart accession no. 11676.
Drymonia coccinea (Aubl.) WiehlerJ. L. Clark 6284
30 May 2001
United States of America. Collected from the Greenhouse of Bob & Dee Stewart (Stow, MA). Stewart accession no. 11657. Obtained by Stewart's from Laurence E. Skog (Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC) in 1985.
Drymonia peltata 'Burgundy Red' H.E.MooreJ. L. Clark 6286
06 Oct 2001
United States of America. Smithsonian Botany Greenhouse accession 94-156. Received from Robert E. Stewart (Stow, MA) in September, 1994. Obtained by Stewart from the Smithsonian Institution as USBRG no. 81-069 in 1981 (=USBRG 83-188?).
Drymonia mortoniana WiehlerJ. L. Clark 6585
30 Apr 2002
United States of America. Smithsonian Botany Greenhouse accession 2001-255. Source: cutting received from Christian Feuillet (CF # 2029).
Drymonia coriacea (Oerst. ex Hanst.) WiehlerJ. L. Clark 6590
22 May 2002
United States of America. Smithsonian Botany Greenhouse accession 99-212. Source: seeds received September 1999 from Jim West (Reserva Río Guaycuyacu, Pichincha, Ecuador). Probably collected inside or near the Reserva Río Guaycuyacu.
Drymonia longifolia Poepp.J. L. Clark 6591
22 May 2002
United States of America. Smithsonian Botany Greenhouse accession 99-217. Source: seeds received September, 1999 from Jim West (Reserva Río Guaycuyacu, Pichincha, Ecuador). Wild origin: Ecuador (probably not from the Reserva Guaycuyacu).
Drymonia serrulata (Jacq.) Mart.J. L. Clark 8843
09 Feb 2004
United States of America. Smithsonian Botany Greenhouse accession 1994-109 (=1979-115). Source: received 01 Sep 1994 from Robert & Diane Stewart, Stow, Massachusetts (Stewart no. RES 11667). Wild origin: unknown.
Drymonia chiribogana WiehlerJ. L. Clark 8845
22 Feb 2004
United States of America. Collected from the Greenhouse of Bob and Dee Stewart (Stow, MA). Cutting obtained by Stewart's as "Echolandia" from Ecuador (probably same as "Tinalandia" near Chiriboga, Pichincha Prov.).
Drymonia strigosa (Oerst.) WiehlerJ. L. Clark 8854
31 Mar 2004
United States of America. Smithsonian Botany Greenhouse accession 2001-141. Source: cutting received 30 May 2001 from Robert & Diane Stewart, Stow, Massachusetts. Wild origin: unknown, but probably Mexico.
Drymonia ecuadorensis WiehlerJ. L. Clark 8862
31 Mar 2004
United States of America. Smithsonian Botany Greenhouse accession 2001-042. Source: seeds received from John L. Clark (same as Clark # 6185). Wild Origin: Ecuador, Manabi: Cerro Monte Cristi.
Drymonia serrulata (Jacq.) Mart.G. G. Hatschbach 70252 with O.S. Ribas & D. Willberg,
17 Feb 2000
Brazil. Goiás. Pirenópolis Mun. Serra dos Pireneus, Morro Espírito Santo.92984700929847.jpg
Drymonia candida Hanst. 3791251
Drymonia serrulata (Jacq.) Mart.G. L. Sobel 2357 with Jeremy Strudwick,
03 Jul 1980
Ecuador. Road from Lago Agria-Coca. Projecto Payamino (IERAC). Edge of pasture on south side of River Payamino bordered on other sides by tropical forest. ca. 265 km.0379140803791408.jpg
Drymonia serrulata (Jacq.) Mart.B. V. Rabelo 3718 with J. Henner, D. L. Rothschild & M. Rosa,
02 Nov 1987
Brazil. Pará. Rio Anajás. Ilha do Marajó.379143703791437.jpg
Drymonia urceolata WiehlerG. L. Sobel 2397 with J. Strudwick,
06 Jul 1980
Ecuador. San Francisco de Borja. Small forest high above banks of river beyond meadow at S.E. of town, hotel and square.0379158103791581.jpg