Taxon Details: Eschweilera fanshawei Sandwith
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Lecythidaceae (Magnoliophyta)
Scientific Name:

Eschweilera fanshawei Sandwith
Primary Citation:

Kew Bull. 1955: 478. 1955
Accepted Name:

This name is currently accepted.
Type Specimens:

Specimen 1: Isolectotype -- D. B. Fanshawe

Author: Nathan P. Smith & Scott A. Mori

Type: Guyana. Mile 85 on Bartica-Potaro Rd., 3 Nov 1947 (fl), Fanshawe 2747 (Forest Dept. British Guiana 5546) (lectotype, K, here designated; isolectotypes, K, NY, U).

Description: Trees, 37 m x 61 cm, buttresses present, to 1.5 m. Leaves: petioles 3-7 mm long, transversely rugose; blades widely elliptic to suborbiculate, 4-10.5 x 2.5-8.5 cm, glabrous, non-punctate, coriaceous, the base obtuse to rounded, the margins entire, the apex rounded to slightly emarginate; secondary veins in 6-8 pairs. Inflorescences terminal or axillary, once-branched paniculate arrangements of racemes, often congested, the principal rachis 7-15 cm long, glabrous; pedicels 1.5-2.5 mm long, subtended by a single bract and two bracteoles of nearly equal size and shape, these very widely to widely ovate, ca. 1.5 x 1.0 mm, apiculate, persistent. Flowers ca. 10 mm diam.; hypanthium cuneate; calyx-lobes, 6 very widely ovate, ca. 2.5 x 2.5 mm, imbricate at base, without ducts; petals 6, 5-7 x 3.5-6 mm, pale cream, tinged with pink; hood of androecium 4 x 4 mm, rose to purple; androecium zygomorphic, the staminal ring with 70-90 stamens, the filaments ca. 0.3-0.4 mm long, clavate, the anthers 0.3 mm long, the hood with numerous vestigial stamens, the vestigial stamens swept outward, gradually becoming shorter and thicker towards distal end, not forming a coil, staminodes absent; gynoeicum with 2-locular ovary, the ovules 3-5 per locule, inserted at base of steptum, the summit umbonate. Fruits and seeds unknown.

Common names: Guyana: haudan, which also refers to other species of Lecythidaceae.

Distribution: Known only from the type.

Ecology: Very little is known about the ecology of this species.

Phenology: Flowers have been collected in Nov.

Pollination: No observations recorded but most likely pollinated by bees.

Dispersal: No observations recorded.

Predation: No observations recorded.

Field characters: The suborbiculate, coriaceous, shiny leaves, with transversely rugose petioles; congested inflorescences; and small flowers without a coil are diagnostic characters for this species.

Taxonomic notes: The androecial hood of this species does not form the double or triple coil characteristic of Eschweilera. Nevertheless, because of the two locular ovary and umbonate ovary summit it is placed in Eschweilera. The flowers of E. fanshawei are the smallest of the genus.

Conservation: IUCN Red List: Vulnerable D2 ver 2.3 (World Conservation Monitoring Centre 1998. Eschweilera fanshawei. In: IUCN 2013. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2013.2. Downloaded on 25 February 2014.).

Uses: None known.

Etymology: This species was named in honor of D. B. Fanshawe, the collector of the type.

Source: Based on Mori and Prance in Mori and Prance (1990).

Flora and Monograph Treatment(s):

Eschweilera fanshawei Sandwith: [Article] Mori, S. A. & Prance, Ghillean T. 1990. Lecythidaceae - Part II: The zygomorphic-flowered New World genera (Couroupita, Corythophora, Bertholletia, Couratari, Eschweilera, & Lecythis). With a study of secondary xylem of Neotropical Lecythidaceae by Carl de Zeeuw. Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 21: 1-376.