Narratives Details:
Inflorescence and flower morphology and anatomy of Eschweilera fanshawei.
Inflorescence and flower morphology and anatomy of Eschweilera fanshawei.
Nathan P. Smith, Caroline Carollo, Scott Alan Mori
Nathan P. Smith, Caroline Carollo, Scott Alan Mori
Scientific Name:
Eschweilera fanshawei Sandwith
Eschweilera fanshawei Sandwith
For information and images click on the links under "Associated Information" below. To see all images of Eschweilera fanshawei, including those of herbarium sheets, click on "See all images of Eschweilera fanshawei' on its species page.
For information and images click on the links under "Associated Information" below. To see all images of Eschweilera fanshawei, including those of herbarium sheets, click on "See all images of Eschweilera fanshawei' on its species page.