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Term Definition
Leaf margin doubly serrate Leaf blades with margins with sharp teeth oriented toward the apex with each touth in turn with a smaller tooth. Leaf margins. Drawing by M. Sashital.
Leaf margin entire Referring to leaf blade margins that are smooth, i.e., they have no serrations or crenations. Leaves of Dioscorea villosa. Photo by S. A. Mori.
Leaf margin erose Referring to leaf blade margin that is jagged, i.e., uneven but not with well-defined teeth. Leaf margins. Drawing by M. Sashital.
Leaf margin lobed Referring to rounded projections arising from the margins of a leaf blade that are cut less than one-half the distance to the midrib of the leaf blade, e.g., the leaves of the white oak group. Leaf margins. Drawing by M. Sashital.
Leaf margin serrate Leaf blades with margins with sharp teeth oriented toward the apex. Leaf margins. Drawing by M. Sashital.
Leaf opposed Referring to an inflorescence, infructescence, or tendril arising from the stem opposite a leaf. Young inflorescences of Piper urophyllum. Photo by R. Aguilar.
Leaf scar The scar left on a stem when a leaf falls. Leaf scars of Grias subbullata. Photo by X. Cornejo.
Leaf sheath Tubular, inrolled base of a leaf blade or petiole that surrounds the node and a portion of the internode; e.g., in the Cyperaceae, Poaceae, and many other monocotyledons as well as in some dicotyledons. Nodes of two species of Cyperaceae. Drawing by B. angell.
Leaf symmetrical Referring to the form of a leaf with the blade equal on each side of the midrib. Leaf symmetry. Drawing by M. Sashital.
Leaf symmetry Referring to the form of a leaf in relation to the midrib, if the blade on each side of the midrib is equal the leaf is symmetrical and if the blades on each side of the midrib are not equal the leaf is asymmetrical. Leaf symmetry. Drawing by M. Sashital.
Leaf venation acrodromous Referring to a type of leaf venation in which two or more primary or strongly developed secondary veins arch upward from either the base or above it; perfect acrodromous is used when these veins converge near the apex; e.g., Strychnos (Loganiaceae); imperfect acrodromous is used when these veins do not converge at the apex. Based on Hickey, 1973. For more information about leaf venation see Ellis et al, 2009. Ciliate leaf margin. Photo by S. A. Mori.
Leaf venation actinodromous Referring to a type of leaf venation in which three or more primary veins diverge radially from a single point either at (basal actinodromous) or above (suprabasal actinodrmous) the point of attachment of the petiole. The primary veins can either converge at the apex (perfect actinodromous) or not converge at the apex (imperfect actinodromous). Based on Hickey, 1973. For more information on leaf venation see Ellis et al., 2009. Actinodromous leaf venation. Photo by S. A. Mori.
Leaf venation basal acrodromous Referring to a type of leaf venation in which two or more primary or strongly developed secondary veins arch upward from the base and converge at or close to the apex.. Based on Hickey, 1973. For more information about leaf venation see Ellis et al, 2009. Leaf venation acrodromous. Drawing by M. Sashital.
Leaf venation basal actinodromous Referring to a type of leaf venation in which three or more primary veins diverge radially from a single point at point of attachment of the petiole. Actinodromous leaf venation. Photo by S. A. Mori.
Leaf venation brochidodromous Referring to a type of leaf venation in which the secondary veins do not terminate at the margin but join to form a series of prominent arches that form a submarginal nerve; for example, in many Myrtaceae. Based on Hickey, 1973. For more information about leaf venation see Ellis et al, 2009. Camptodromous leaf venation.
Leaf venation brochidodromous Secondaries joined together in a series of prominent arches. Based on Hickey, 1973. For more information abouit leaf venation see Ellis et al, 2009. Camptodromous leaf venation.
Leaf venation brochidodromous festooned Referring to a type of leaf venation in which the secondary veins do not terminate at the margin but join to form a series of prominent arches that form a submarginal nerve and, in addtion, the secondary veins possess closed loops toward their apices. Based on Hickey, 1973. For more information about leaf venation see Ellis et al, 2009. Leaf venation festooned brochidodromous. Photos by C. A. Gracie.
Leaf venation camptodromous Referring to a type of leaf venation in which the secondary veins do not terminate at the margin; in one type each secondary vein connects with the seconday vein above it (brochidodromous) and in the other type the secondary veins do not connect with the secondary vein above it (eucamtodromous). Based on Hickey, 1973. For more information about leaf venation see Ellis et al, 2009. Camptodromous leaf venation.
Leaf venation camptodromous A type of leaf venation in which the secondary veins do not terminate at the margens Camptodromous leaf venation
Leaf venation campylodromous Referring to a type of leaf venation in which a series of more or less equal primary veins originate from a common point at the base, arch upward, and reunite toward the apex; e.g., species of Aristolochia (Aristolochiaceae). Campylodromous leaf venation. Drawing by M. Sashital.
Leaf venation cladodromous Referring to a type of leaf venation in which the secondary veins branch freely before they reach the margin. Based on Hickey, 1973. For more information about leaf venation see Ellis et al, 2009. Several leaf venation types. Drawing by M. Sashital.
Leaf venation eucamptodromous Referring to a type of leaf venation in which the secondary veins do not reach the margin and do not form a series of prominent arches. Based on Hickey, 1973. For more information about leaf venation see Ellis et al, 2009. Eucamptodromous leaf venation. Drawing by M. Sashital.
Leaf venation eucamptodromous Secondaries upturned and gradually diminishing apically inside the margin but not connecting to the secondary above it. Based on (Hickey, 1973. For more information about leaf venation see Ellis et al. (2009). Eucamptodromous leaf venation
Leaf venation flabellate Referring to leaf venation with several to many fine basal veins that spread out from the base like a fan and divide somewhat toward the apex. Based on Ellis et al., 2009. Flabellate (flabelliform) leaves and short shorts. Photos by S. A. Mori.
Leaf venation hyphodromous Referring to a leaf blade with all but the midvein absent or not visible because the leaf blade is too fleshy for them to be seen. Hyphodromous leaf venation. Drawing by M. Sashital.
Leaf venation imperfect acrodromous Referring to a type of leaf venation in which two or more primary or strongly developed secondary veins arch upward from or above the base and do not converge at the apex. Based on Hickey, 1973. For more information about leaf venation see Ellis et al, 2009. Hyphodromous leaf venation. Drawing by M. Sashital.
Leaf venation mixed craspedodromous Referring to a type of leaf venation in which some of the secondary veins terminate at the leaf margins and the remainder of the secondary veins do not, e.g. half of the secondary veins are craspedodromous and the other half camptodromous. Types of craspedodromous leaf venation. Drawing by M. Sashital.
Leaf venation perfect acrodromous Referring to a type of leaf venation in which two or more primary or strongly developed secondary veins arch upward from the base or above the base and converge near the apex. Based on Hickey, 1973. For more information about leaf venation see Ellis et al, 2009. Leaf venation acrodromous. Drawing by M. Sashital.
Leaf venation reticulodromous Referring to a leaf venation type in which the secondary veins form a network of veins soon after departing from the midrib. Based on Hickey, 1973. For more information about leaf venation see Ellis et al, 2009. Several leaf venation types. Drawing by M. Sashital.
Leaf venation simple craspedodromous Referring to a type of leaf venation in which all of the secondary veins terminate at the leaf margins. Craspedidromous venation of Fagus grandifolia. Image by S. A. Mori.
Leaf venation suprabasal acrodromous Referring to a type of leaf venation in which two or more primary or strongly developed secondary veins arch upward from above the base. Based on Hickey, 1973. For more information about leaf venation see Ellis et al, 2009. Leaf venation acrodromous. Drawing by M. Sashital.
Leaf venation suprabasal actinodromous Referring to a type of leaf venation in which three or more primary veins diverge radially from a single point above the point of attachment of the petiole. Actinodromous leaf venation. Drawing by M. Sashital.
Marginal leaf vein A leaf vein that runs more-or-less parallel to the margin of a leaf. Marginal leaf vein. Photo by C. A. Gracie.
Odd-pinnate leaf Pinnate with an odd number of leaflets; i.e., without a terminal leaflet. Same as imparipinnate. Pinnately compound leaves. Drawing by Bobbi Angell.
Paripinnate leaf Pinnate with an even number of leaflets; i.e., without a terminal leaflet. Same as even-pinnate and parapinnate.. Paripinnate leaf of Pistachia lenticulus. Photo by S. A. Mori.
Peltate leaf Referring to a leaf blade attached to the petiole by its lower surface rather than its margin; for example species of Nymphaea glandulifera, Hydrocotyle umbellata, and those illustrated for this term. Peltate leaf. Photo by D. Atha.
Simple leaf Referring to a leaf that is not divided into smaller units. Opposite of compound. Actinodromous leaf venation. Photo by S. A. Mori.
Tendril leaf opposed A tendril that arises opposite the insertion of a leaf; for example, Parthenocissus quinquefolia and many othe species of Vitaceae. Tendrils opposite leaf of Parthenocissus quinquefolia. Image by. S.A. Mori.
Tripinnately compound leaf A compound leaf divided into three parts, each of which is pinnately compound. Tendrils opposite leaf of Parthenocissus quinquefolia. Image by. S.A. Mori.
Unifoliolate leaf A leaf appearing to be simple but believed to be derived from an ancestor with a compound leaf, commonly found in species of Fabaceae. Tendrils opposite leaf of Parthenocissus quinquefolia. Image by. S.A. Mori.