Displaying 1 - 11 out of 11 Object(s)
Term | Definition | |
Diadelphous stamens | Stamens united into two, often unequal, sets; e.g., those of many Fabaceae, which have nine stamens in one set and one stamen in the other. | |
Didynamous stamens | With two pairs of stamens of unequal length. | |
Heteromorphic stamens | Stamens of two distinct types; one type usually bears fertile pollen and the other type bears sterile or fodder pollen; e.g., |
Stalked vestigial stamens | Vestigial stamens that are constricted at the point they are attached to the ligule. | |
Stamens | The male part of the flower comprised of the filament and the anther. | |
Stamens | The male part of the flower comprised of the filament and the anther. | |
Urticaceous stamens | Stamens that spring forward to release pollen at anthesis; typical of the flowers of the Urticaceae and some related families. | |
Vestigial stamens | An appendage, most likely derived directly from a staminode and indirectly from a stamen, that no longer has an anther or the anther is small and withered compared to the fertile anthers of normal stamens in the staminal ring or the fodder pollen-producing antherodes of staminodes. | |
Vestigial stamens external | Referring to an inwardly, once coiled androecial hood that possesses vestigial stamens only on the outside (externally of the coil. This feature is only used to describe species with at single coil. | |
Vestigial stamens external | Referring to an inwardly curved hood that possesses vestigial stamens only on the outside of the coil; e.g., in the Lecythidaceae. | |
Vestigial stamens internal | Referring to an inwardly, once-coiled androecial hood that possesses vestigial stamens on the inside (internally) as well as on the outside of the coil (externally). |