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Term Definition
Articulation A joint between two separable parts, e.g., between a leaf and a stem or between a lower and upper part of a pedicel, Bract and bracteoles of Lecythis zabucajo.
Bracteoles above articulation Bracteoles inserted above the bracteoles in the pedicel/hypanthium continuum of Lecythidaceae. Position of bracteoles as seen in Gustavia hexapetala. Drawing by B. Angell.
Bracteoles below articulation Bracteoles inserted below the articulation in the pedicel/hypanthium continuum of Lecythidaceae. Bract and bracteoles of Couroupita guianensis. Photo by S. A. Mori.
Lower/upper septum articulation A joint between the lower septum and the upper section as seen in a longitudinal section of the ovary. Placentation of Allantoma lineata. Photo by C. Carollo.
Pedicel/hypanthium tapered to articulation The pedicel/hypanthium is tapered gradually to the ariculation such that a true pedicel appears to be present Pedicel/hypanthiuim of Eschweilera biflava. Photo by R. Aguilar.
Pedicel/hypanthium truncate at articulation There is no clear cut pedicel in this type of pedicel/hypanthium Pedicel/hypanthium truncate as shown in Eschweilera spccostarica