Displaying 2901 - 2975 out of 3058 Object(s)

Term Definition
Trisect Divided into three parts.
Tristichous Three-ranked or in three rows. Compare with distichous and polystichous.
Tristyly (tristylous) The condition in which three different style lengths and corresponding stamen lengths are found in the same species, the flower morphs are short styled, intermediate styled, and long styled. Tristyly (tristylous)
Tronco Tallo principal de un árbol
Tropics Referring to that part of the earth ibetween the Tropic of Cancer at 23 degrees 27 minutes N and the Tropic of Capricorn at 23 degress 27 minutes S. These are the northern and southern latitudes at which the sun can be directly overhead at some time during the year.
Trullate Trowel-shaped.
Truncate Referring to an apex or base of a two dimensional structure, such as a leaf, bract, or petal, that terminates abruptly in a nearly straight horizontal edge. Truncate
Truncate fruit base An ovary or a fruit which abruptly turns inward from the calycine rim to the pedicel/hypanthium. Same as infracalycine zone truncate. Truncate fruit base
Trunk The main stem of a tree, including buttresses, prop roots, etc. Compare with bole. Trunk
Trunk In trees, the unbranched portion of the plane, i.e., the first order of branching. Same as bole. Trunk
Trunk buttressed An outgrowth at the base of a tree trunk that does not completely surround the tree. Trunk buttressed
Trunk cylindrical A trunk that is in the form of a cylinder all of the way to the ground. Trunk cylindrical
Trunk swollen A trunk that is expanded all around the base without forming distinct buttresses. Trunk swollen
Tube A chamber formed by the fusion of separate parts; e.g., the corolla tube or the tube of the spathe in Araceae.
Tuber An underground, swollen part of a stem or a root that functions in food storage. Tuber
Tubercle The modified and persistent style base of some Cyperaceae. Tubercle
Tuberculate Covered with pointed warty outgrowths; e.g., the fruit of Canna indica (Cannaceae). Tuberculate
Tuberculate hypanthium Refers to a hypanthiuim covered with warty, pointed outgrowths. Tuberculate hypanthium
Tubo corolino Es la parte inferior de una corola gamopétala, donde los pétalos están fusionados Tubo corolino
Tubo de la corola Es la parte baja fusionada de una flor gamopétala.
Tubo del cáliz Parte baja fusionada de un cáliz gamosépalo. En las Ericaceae con ovarios inferiores, es la porción proximal del cáliz que está fusionado con la pared del ovario que es lo mismo que el hipantio en otras plantas con flores.
Tunic (tunicate) The outer, dry and papery covering of a bulb or corm (possessing a tunic).
Turbinate Obconical or top-shaped. Turbinate
Turion A bud or shoot characteristic of aquatic plants that enables them to overwinter. Turion
Tussock A dense clump or tuft of herbaceous stems formed by some species of grasses (Poaceae) and sedges (Cyperaceae). Tussock
Twig A small branch of a tree to which the leaves are attached, i.e., the ultimate, leaf-bearing branch. Twig
Twig A branch of a tree of Lecythidaceae to which the leaves are attached, i.e., the ultimate, leaf-bearing branch. Twig
Two-ranked Referring to structures that are arranged in two rows; usually referring to the way in which leaves or bracts are inserted on an axis. Same as distichous. Two-ranked
Type "A nomenclatural type (typus) is that element to which the name of a taxon is permanently attached, whether as the correct name or as a synonym. The nomenclatural type is not neccessarily the most typical or or representative element of a taxon." This quotation is from The International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (Vienna Code) 2006. The ICBN is updated every five years based on recommendations sent to the ICBN Committe and discussed at the International Botanical Congress which meets at different places in the world. The latest ICBN is available online (http://ibot.sav.sk/icbn/main.htm) and as hardcopy. Type
Type specimen A specimen chosen to represent a species and is cited as such in the publication in which the species is described. There are different types of types, e.g. see holotype, isotype, syntype. The International Code of Botanical Nomenclature now requires that one specimen be designated as the holoytpe. Type specimen
Umbel A convex- or flat-topped inflorescence with all pedicels arising from the same point. Umbel
Umbela Una inflorescencia distalmente convexa, cuyos pedicelos salen de un mismo punto de inserción. Las umbelas compuestas son típicas de las Apiaceae y algunas especies de Araliaceae y Smilacaceae Umbela
Umbell A convex- or flat-topped inflorescence with all pedicels arising from the same point. Umbell
Umbellate Like an umbel.
Umbo A relatively small protrusion usually in the middle of a structure; e.g., the operculum of a fruit. Umbo
Umbonate Referring to a structure, such as a fruit apex, that possesses an umbo. Umbonate
Uña Es la parte baja, delgada y alargada de un pétalo libre. Por ejemplo, en las Malpighiaceae, algunas leguminosas y Lagerstroemia speciosa de Lythraceae. Ver unguiculado.
Unbranched inflorescence An inflorescence with a single rachis. Unbranched inflorescence
Uncinate Hooked at the apex. Uncinate
Uncinate Hooked at the apex, usually refers to stiff trichomes that stick in the fur or clothing of animals to facilitate seed dispersal. Uncinate
Understory Score 0-25 scale of the % understory complement present compared to an "ideal" state, and % of that understory modified or disturbed in some way
Understory tree A tree growing in a hypothetical stratum in the forest consisting of the crowns of trees found below the canopy and usually less than 20–25 meters tall at maturity. Understory tree
Understory tree A species of tree in which adult individuals do not reach the more-or-less continuous canopy tree layer of a forest. Understory tree
Undulate Wavy, usually referring to the margin of a structure such as a leaf.
Undulation (adj. = undulate) Wavy, usually referring to the margin of a structure such as a leaf. Undulation (adj. = undulate)
Unguiculada, unguiculado Se refiere va aquellos pétalos libres que están abruptamente adelgazados y algo alargados hacia la base, es decir, provistos de una uña. Lo mismo que uñado.
Unguiculate Referring to a structure, such as a petal, the is abuptly constricted toward the base (having a claw). Same as clawed. Unguiculate
Uni- A prefix meaning one. Uni-
Unicate collection Referring to a collection number that is represented by a single herbarium specimen. Unicate collections are made when additional collections are not available, when a plant is rare and permission has been obtained to make a collection that does not adversely impact the population from which it is collected, or when a species is so well known that the only reason for collecting it is to document its presence in a specific locality. For more information about plant collecting see Tropical Plant Collecting: From the Field to the Internet. This book can be purchased at: http://tecceditora.com/ or Amazon.com. Unicate collection
Unifacial Referring to a leaf with the same type of tissue on each side as observed in a transverse section.
Unifoliate Referring to a plant with one leaf.
Unifoliolate leaf A leaf appearing to be simple but believed to be derived from an ancestor with a compound leaf, commonly found in species of Fabaceae.
Unilaterally winged seed Referring to a seed wing that arise from one side. Unilaterally winged seed
Unilocular Referring to an ovary with a single locule.
Uniseriado Se aplica a un perianto que posee un sólo verticilo, ya sea que esté conformado por el cáliz o por la corola; e.g., el perianto de Nyctaginaceae y Thymelaeaceae. Este término también se aplica a pelos pluricelulares, cuyas células están dispuestas en una sola hilera, en sentido longitudinal.
Uniseriate perianth Referring to a perianth with a single whorl composed of either the calyx or the corolla; e.g., the perianth of Nyctaginaceae and Thymelaeaceae. Uniseriate perianth
Unisexual flower Referring to a flower with either functional stamens or functional gynoecia but not both. Same as imperfect flower. Unisexual flower
Unitegmic ovule An ovule with one integument. Unitegmic ovule
Upper See adaxial.
Upper septum In neotropical Lecythidaceae, the part of a wall-like partition of a locule located above an articulation (often only seen as a thin line), as seen in longitudinal section, that divides the septum into a lower part and an upper part. Upper septum
Urceolate Shaped like an urn, same as urn-shaped. Urceolate
Urn-shaped Shaped like a vase that is wide at the base and narrower at the apex. Same as urceolate. Urn-shaped
Urticaceous stamens Stamens that spring forward to release pollen at anthesis; typical of the flowers of the Urticaceae and some related families.
Urticant Causing itching or stinging when touched.
Urticating trichomes Trichomes that cause itching or burning sensations such as in some species of Euphorbiaceae and Urticaceae; sometimes called urticating hairs but urticating trichomes is preferred because it limits the term to plants. Urticating trichomes are thought to protect the plant from predators. Urticating trichomes
Utricle A small, one-seeded, somewhat inflated, usually indehiscent fruit; e.g., in some species of Caryophyllaceae, Lemnaceae, and Plumbaginaceae; the inflated basal chamber formed by the perianth of Aristolochia (Aristolochiaceae); in Cyperaceae, see perigynium.
Utriculate In the shape of a bladder.
UV pattern Markings on a flower that are only seen under ultra-violet light by humans or to insects without being exposed to UV light. These markings usually serve as honey guides to the insects.
Vacuole A space or cavity within the cell.
Vaginate Possessing a sheath; e.g., used to describe the petiole base of some species of Piper.
Valva Cada uno de los segmentos de un fruto dehiscente que hipotéticamente representa a un carpelo del ovario Valva
Valvate (adjj.) A type of aestivation in which the edges of the sepals and petals meet exactly and do not overlap (compare with imbricate); referring to the opening of an anther by small flaps; e.g., in Lauraceae. Valvate (adjj.)
Valve One of the segments of an ovary each of which is hypothesized to represent a carpel or one of the segments of a dehiscent fruit. Valve
Variegated leaves Having streaks, marks, or patches of different colors; e.g., the immature leaves of some species of Calathea (Marantaceae) and several species of Psychotria (Rubiaceae), and the mature leaves of Cyclopogon olivaceus (Orchidaceae). Variegated leaves
Variety (abbreviation = var.) A subdivision of subspecies, i.e., a rank between and subspecies and a form.