Displaying 2726 - 2775 out of 3058 Object(s)

Term Definition
Stolon (stoloniferous) A horizontal stem that is located above the ground and usually produces adventitious roots and vertical stems at the nodes. Stoloniferous refers to a plant that bears stolons. Stolon (stoloniferous)
Stomatal crypt A pit, usually on the abaxial leaf surface, in which the stomates of some species occur. Stomatal crypt
Stomatal crypt A pit, usually on the abaxial leaf blade surface, in which the stomates of nearly all species of occur. Stomatal crypt
Stomate (pl. = stomates) (= stoma sing. and stomata pl.) A small opening, usually in the abaxial surface of leaves, through which gases utilized and produced in photosynthesis pass into and out of the leaves. Stomate (pl. = stomates) (= stoma sing. and stomata pl.)
Stomate (plural = stomates) (= stoma and stomata) A small opening, usually in the abaxial surface of leaves, through which gases utilized and produced in photosynthesis pass into and out of the leaves. Stomate (plural = stomates) (= stoma and stomata)
Stomatochorous A type of primary dispersal in which the diaspore is deliberately carried away by animals in their mouths and dropped with viable seeds after the edible parts are consumed.
Stone The nut or nutlet in a drupe; i.e., the hardened part of a drupe or a duplet (= endocarp) containing a single seed. In non-scientific language it is called the pit. Stone
Stone cell A short, roughly isodiametric sclereid.
Stramineous Strawlike or straw-colored.
Strangler A plant that grows upon another plant in such a way that its roots surround the host and eventually cause it to die; e.g., in some species of Ficus (Moraceae). A strangler can become a free-standing tree after the host plant dies. Strangler
Strap-like Referring to a structure, such as a leaf, that is long and flat. Same as lorate.
Stratification Referring to the formation of layers in a forest, i.e., the herbaceous, shrub, understory tree, canopy tree, and emergent tree strata or layers. Stratification
Striation A fine longitudinal line, ridge, or groove. Striation
Striation (striate) A fine line, ridge, groove, or streaks of color, an organ with striations is said to be striations. Striation (striate)
Strigose (diminutive = strigulose) With sharp, stiff, often basally swollen, appressed, straight hairs.
Strobiliform Resembling a strobilus, often referring to an inflorescence.
Strophiole A seed appendage located near the hilum or raphe. Compare with caruncle.
Strophiole An outgrowth of the seed coat near the hilum. Same as caruncle.
Stylar canal A hollow channel that runs from the stigma for most of the length of the style which is thought to faciltate the growth of pollen tubes to the ovary, the ovules, and eventually the egg. Stylar canal
Stylar collar An annular expansion on the style; e.g., in some species of Melastomataceae and Lecythis zabucajo (Lecythidaceae). Stylar collar
Stylar collar A ring-like expansion encircling the style just below the stigma. Stylar collar
Style The part of the gynoecium between the ovary and the stigma. A style is not always present. Style
Style The part of the gynoecium between the summit of the ovary and the stigma. Style
Style erect A style that does not bend or slants away from the vertical axis of the ovary. Style erect
Style geniculate A well-defined style that is abruptly bent like a flexed knee. Style geniculate
Style head The expanded distal part of the style, including the stigma, in some species of Apocynaceae. Same as clavuncle. Style head
Style oblique Slanting from the verticle. Style oblique
Style umbonate Same as ovary summit umbonate.
Styloid Slender and pointed, needlelike.
Stylopodium An enlargement at the base of the style as in some species of Apiaceae and Lamiaceae. Stylopodium
Sub- A prefix meaning “below,” “less than,” or “subordinate.”
Subclass A unit of classification, a subdivision of a class; e.g., the Magnoliidae and Asteridae are two of the six subclasses of the class Magnoliopsida, according to the system of Cronquist (1981).
Submerged A structure, such as a vein, emeshed in the tissue in which it occurs to such an extent that it is not visibile; usually referring to leaf veins that are not visible and not projecting above the surface of the leaf blade. Submerged
Suborbiculate A suborbiculate shape is widest at the middle and possesses a length to width ratio of greater than 1.2:1 to 1.5:1. Based on Hickey (1973). For more information about leaf morphology and leaf architecture see Ellis et al. (2009). Suborbiculate
Subshrub A plant that is intermediate between a herb and a shrub and slightly woody only at the base; a perennial plant woody only at the base. Same as suffrutex.
Subsidiary cells Epidermal cells that surround stomates and are different in shape, size, or position from other epidermal cells. Subsidiary cells
Subsidiary cells Epidermal cells that surround stomates and are different in shape, size, or position from other epidermal cells. Subsidiary cells
Subspecies (abbreviated subsp. or ssp.) A taxonomic rank just below species and above variety; e.g., Heliconia acuminata subsp. acuminate (Heliconiaceae). Same as ssp.
Subsuperior ovary A type of inferior ovary in which the sepals, petals, and stamens do not arise clearly from the apex but instead appear to arise from lower down on the ovary.
Subulate Awl-shaped.
Succulent Fleshy and juicy, many species of Cactaceae and some species of Euphorbiaceae are succulent. Succulent
Sucker A secondary shoot arising from the base of a tree or shrub or from the bases of many monocots. Same as sprout which is the prefered term. Sucker
Suffrutescent Adjectival form of suffrutex.
Suffrutex (plural = suffrutices) A plant that is intermediate between a herb and a shrub and slightly woody only at the base; a perennial plant woody only at the base. Same as subshrub.
Sulcado Surcado o con hendiduras; por ejemplo, el tronco de algunas especies de Aspidosperma (Apocynaceae). Equivalente a acanalado. A una escala menor, se podría referir a los surcos del hipantio de una flor, como a aquellos dispuestos verticalmente, abajo de entre los lóbulos del cáliz de Lecythis mesophylla Sulcado
Sulcate Furrowed or grooved. Sulcate
Sulcate Furrowed or grooved; e.g., the trunk of some species of Aspidosperma (Apocynaceae). On a larger scale same as fluted. On a smaller scale, it may refer to groves of the seed of Elaeagnus bullatum or those extend downward from between the calyx-lobes of Lecythis mesophylla. Sulcate
Sulcate hypanthium Refers to a hypanthium that is furrowed or grooved. Sulcate hypanthium
Sulcus (plural = sulci) A furrow or groove. Sulcus (plural = sulci)
Superior ovary An ovary of a hypogynous or perigynous flower in which the sepals, petals, and stamens arise from beneath or around the ovary (= hypogynous) or from the rim of a hypanthium (=perigynous). Superior ovary