Any structure arising from the epidermis (surface) of a plant; the equivalent to hairs in an animal. |
Trichomes in axillary tufts
Trichomes (the equivalent of hairs in the animal kingdom) usually located in the axils between the midribe and the secondary veins, e.g., in Quercus velutina (black oak). |
Referring to the sexual condition of a species that bears only staminate flowers on some plants, only pistillate flowers on some plants, and staminate plus pistillate flowers or bisexual flowers on other plants. |
With three leaflets. |
Trigger hairs
Extensions placed at the opening (trap door) into the bladder of bladderworts (Utricularia sp.) which, when touched by prey cause the trap door of the bladder to open causing the prey to be sucked into into the bladder. The prey is decomposed and its nutrients, such as nitrogen, are assimilated by the plant. |
Trimonoecy (trimonoecious)
Referring to the sexual condition of a species that bears staminate, pistillate, and bisexual flowers on the same plant. Same as polygamomonoecious. |
Tristyly (tristylous)
The condition in which three different style lengths and corresponding stamen lengths are found in the same species, the flower morphs are short styled, intermediate styled, and long styled. |
Referring to an apex or base of a two dimensional structure, such as a leaf, bract, or petal, that terminates abruptly in a nearly straight horizontal edge. |
Truncate fruit base
An ovary or a fruit which abruptly turns inward from the calycine rim to the pedicel/hypanthium. Same as infracalycine zone truncate. |
The main stem of a tree, including buttresses, prop roots, etc. Compare with bole. |
In trees, the unbranched portion of the plane, i.e., the first order of branching. Same as bole. |
Trunk buttressed
An outgrowth at the base of a tree trunk that does not completely surround the tree. |
Trunk cylindrical
A trunk that is in the form of a cylinder all of the way to the ground. |
Trunk swollen
A trunk that is expanded all around the base without forming distinct buttresses. |
An underground, swollen part of a stem or a root that functions in food storage. |
The modified and persistent style base of some Cyperaceae. |
Covered with pointed warty outgrowths; e.g., the fruit of Canna indica (Cannaceae). |
Tuberculate hypanthium
Refers to a hypanthiuim covered with warty, pointed outgrowths. |
Tubo corolino
Es la parte inferior de una corola gamopétala, donde los pétalos están fusionados |
Obconical or top-shaped. |
A bud or shoot characteristic of aquatic plants that enables them to overwinter. |
A dense clump or tuft of herbaceous stems formed by some species of grasses (Poaceae) and sedges (Cyperaceae). |
A small branch of a tree to which the leaves are attached, i.e., the ultimate, leaf-bearing branch. |
A branch of a tree of Lecythidaceae to which the leaves are attached, i.e., the ultimate, leaf-bearing branch. |
Referring to structures that are arranged in two rows; usually referring to the way in which leaves or bracts are inserted on an axis. Same as distichous. |