Displaying 51 - 75 out of 883 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Dacryodes amplectans Daly & M.C.Martínez G. A. Aymard Corredor 6898 04 May 1988 - 05 May 1988 Venezuela Bolívar Municipio Foráneo Aripao. Alto Río… paratype 03227728 Dacryodes amplectans Daly & M.C.Martínez
Dacryodes amplectans Daly & M.C.Martínez D. C. Daly 5573 04 Nov 1987 Brazil Amazonas São Gabriel da Cachoeira Mun.… paratype 03227727 Dacryodes amplectans Daly & M.C.Martínez
Dacryodes amplectans Daly & M.C.Martínez J. Treacy 289 1/11/81 Peru Loreto Bora Native commuunity of Brillo… paratype 03227726 Dacryodes amplectans Daly & M.C.Martínez
Dacryodes amplectans Daly & M.C.Martínez N. Jaramillo 260 03 Aug 1994 Peru Amazonas Bagua Prov. Distrito Imaza: Región… 1353166 Dacryodes amplectans Daly & M.C.Martínez
Dacryodes amplectans Daly & M.C.Martínez R. Vásquez Martínez 13760 24 May 1990 Peru Loreto Maynas Prov. Iquitos, Puerto Almendra… paratype 03227725 Dacryodes amplectans Daly & M.C.Martínez
Dacryodes amplectans Daly & M.C.Martínez 04969094 Dacryodes amplectans Daly & M.C.Martínez
Dacryodes amplectans Daly & M.C.Martínez 04969096 Dacryodes amplectans Daly & M.C.Martínez
Dacryodes amplectans Daly & M.C.Martínez 04969098 Dacryodes amplectans Daly & M.C.Martínez
Dacryodes amplectans Daly & M.C.Martínez 04969100 Dacryodes amplectans Daly & M.C.Martínez
Dacryodes amplectans Daly & M.C.Martínez 04969101 Dacryodes amplectans Daly & M.C.Martínez
Dacryodes amplectans Daly & M.C.Martínez 04969095 Dacryodes amplectans Daly & M.C.Martínez
Dacryodes amplectans Daly & M.C.Martínez 04969097 Dacryodes amplectans Daly & M.C.Martínez
Dacryodes amplectans Daly & M.C.Martínez 04969099 Dacryodes amplectans Daly & M.C.Martínez
Dacryodes amplectans Daly & M.C.Martínez D. C. Daly 13810 24 Feb 2010 Colombia Valle del Cauca Buenaventura Mun. Cerro Bonguito, a… 1413888
Dacryodes amplectans Daly & M.C.Martínez I. L. do Amaral 2949 1416139 Dacryodes amplectans Daly & M.C.Martínez
Dacryodes amplectans Daly & M.C.Martínez P. V. A. Fine 299 25 Jun 2001 Peru Loreto Reserva Nacional Allpahuayo-Mishana. paratype 00710238 Dacryodes amplectans Daly & M.C.Martínez
Dacryodes amplectans Daly & M.C.Martínez 03145926 Dacryodes amplectans Daly & M.C.Martínez
Dacryodes barteri H.J.Lam J. D. Kennedy 1619 s.d. Nigeria 13532401
Dacryodes barteri H.J.Lam J. D. Kennedy 1619 s.d. Nigeria 1353240 Dacryodes barteri H.J.Lam
Dacryodes barteri H.J.Lam J. D. Kennedy 1619 s.d. Nigeria 1353242 Dacryodes barteri H.J.Lam
Dacryodes barteri H.J.Lam J. E. Andoh A30/51 Sep 1951 Tarkwa. Subiri F.R. (Benso). 1353243 Dacryodes barteri H.J.Lam
Dacryodes belemensis Cuatrec. J. M. Pires 6730 Jan 1956 Brazil Pará Belém Mun. Belém, IAN [Instituto… isotype 345795
Dacryodes belemensis Cuatrec. O. Buchtien 2111 Sep 1907 Bolivia San Carlos, region de Mapiri 1076227 Dacryodes belemensis Cuatrec.
Dacryodes belemensis Cuatrec. B. A. Krukoff 10850 12 Sep 1939 - 30 Sep 1939 Bolivia La Paz Larecaja Prov. Tuiri (near Mapiri,… 1076228 Dacryodes belemensis Cuatrec.
Dacryodes belemensis Cuatrec. B. A. Krukoff 11268 08 Oct 1939 - 15 Nov 1939 Bolivia La Paz Larecaja Prov. Copacabana (about 10… 1076229 Dacryodes belemensis Cuatrec.