Displaying 126 - 150 out of 980 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Piper hispidum Sw. G. T. Prance 58789 21 Aug 1964 Brazil Pará BR 22 Km. 98, vicinity… 01467315 Piper hispidum Sw.
Piper hispidum Sw. G. T. Prance 4571 20 Feb 1967 Brazil Roraima Upper west facing slopes of… 01467321 Piper hispidum Sw.
Piper hispidum Sw. G. T. Prance 5256 27 Jun 1968 Brazil Rondônia Island in Rio Madeira opposite… 01467329 Piper hispidum Sw.
Piper hispidum Sw. G. T. Prance 59591 23 Oct 1964 Brazil Goiás Caiapônia Mun. Serra do Caiapó.… 00957467 Piper hispidum Sw.
Piper hispidum Sw. P. J. M. Maas P13303 24 May 1971 Brazil Acre Porto Walter Mun. Near Aldeota 756290 Piper hispidum Sw.
Piper hispidum Sw. J. J. Pipoly 6886 24 Mar 1984 Brazil Amazonas Pico Rondon; 0-3 km N… 01467513 Piper hispidum Sw.
Piper hispidum Sw. J. J. Pipoly 6631 04 Feb 1984 Brazil Amazonas 0-3 Km N of 211… 01467526 Piper hispidum Sw.
Piper hispidum Sw. R. M. Harley 17501 30 Mar 1974 Brazil Bahia Itacaré Mun. Ca. 5 km… 556642 Piper hispidum Sw.
Piper hispidum Sw. R. M. Harley 10905 31 Oct 1968 Brazil Mato Grosso R 12, about 5 Km.… 00957249 Piper hispidum Sw.
Piper hispidum Sw. R. M. Harley 15010 10 Jan 1974 Brazil Bahia Itabuna Mun. Itabuna, in the… 556641 Piper hispidum Sw.
Piper hispidum Sw. R. M. Harley 20190 30 Mar 1977 Brazil Bahia Barra do Choça Mun. Serra… 556670 Piper hispidum Sw.
Piper hispidum Sw. R. M. Harley 20190 30 Mar 1977 Brazil Bahia Barra do Choça Mun. Serra… 1280760 Piper hispidum Sw.
Piper hispidum Sw. R. M. Harley 16576 01 Mar 1974 Brazil Bahia Senhor do Bonfim Mun. Serra… 556643 Piper hispidum Sw.
Piper hispidum Sw. G. Vieira 393 13 Oct 1979 Brazil Rondônia Mineração Campo Novo BR-421 a… 01467543 Piper hispidum Sw.
Piper hispidum Sw. S. Tsugaru B859 09 Aug 1987 Brazil Amazonas River side and small islets… 01467330 Piper hispidum Sw.
Piper hispidum Sw. W. W. Thomas 14228 21 Sep 2004 Brazil Bahia Camacan Mun. RPPN Serra Bonita.… 01806200 Piper hispidum Sw.
Piper hispidum Sw. W. W. Thomas 4380 14 Oct 1985 Brazil Mato Grosso Santa Terezinha Mun. Serra Cobrinha,… 00957468 Piper hispidum Sw.
Piper hispidum Sw. W. W. Thomas 6094 22 Feb 1988 Brazil Espírito Santo Linhares Mun. 8 km W… 01806240 Piper hispidum Sw.
Piper hispidum Sw. J. A. Ratter R5830 24 Mar 1987 Brazil Roraima SEMA: Ecological Station Ilha de… 01467517 Piper hispidum Sw.
Piper hispidum Sw. J. A. Ratter R5830 24 Mar 1987 Brazil Roraima SEMA: Ecological Station Ilha de… 01467518 Piper hispidum Sw.
Piper hispidum Sw. G. G. Hatschbach 12971 13 Oct 1965 Brazil Paraná Campo Mourão Mun. Estrada para… 556669 Piper hispidum Sw.
Piper hispidum Sw. G. G. Hatschbach 12924 12 Oct 1965 Brazil Paraná Maringá Mun. Horto Florestal 556645 Piper hispidum Sw.
Piper hispidum Sw. W. R. Anderson 9932 09 May 1973 Brazil Goiás Goiás Mun. Serra Dourada, ca.… 00957464 Piper hispidum Sw.
Piper hispidum Sw. T. B. Croat 85116 13 Nov 2001 Brazil Acre Porto Walter Mun. Municipio Porto… 870040 Piper hispidum Sw.
Piper hispidum Sw. C. R. Sperling 5935 06 Jun 1982 Brazil Pará Serra dos Carajás. AMZA camp… 01467319 Piper hispidum Sw.