Displaying 851 - 875 out of 882 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Octoblepharum pallidum Besch. H. G. Galeotti Mexico type 636037 Octoblepharum pallidum Besch.
Octoblepharum africanum (Broth.) Cardot Madagascar 03879628 Octoblepharum africanum (Broth.) Cardot
Octoblepharum albidum Hedw. C. E. Bewsher Mauritius 03879642 Octoblepharum albidum Hedw.
Octoblepharum albidum Hedw. C. E. Bewsher Mauritius 03879643 Octoblepharum albidum Hedw.
Octoblepharum albidum Hedw. B. M. Boom 7251 13 Apr 1987 Guyana upper Mazaruni River region, vicinity… 2044423 Octoblepharum albidum Hedw.
Octoblepharum cocuiense Mitt. B. M. Boom 7443 18 Apr 1987 Guyana upper Mazaruni River region, Karowtipu… 2044495 Octoblepharum cocuiense Mitt.
Octoblepharum cocuiense Mitt. B. M. Boom 8949 29 Jun 1989 Guyana upper Potaro River region, Wokomung… 2044494 Octoblepharum cocuiense Mitt.
Octoblepharum albidum Hedw. M. P. Kuc G7 16 Sep 1982 Guyana The Bell - Ituni between… 2044452 Octoblepharum albidum Hedw.
Octoblepharum pulvinatum (Dozy & Molk.) Mitt. M. P. Kuc G8 16 Sep 1982 Guyana The Bell - Ituni between… 2044553 Octoblepharum pulvinatum (Dozy & Molk.) Mitt.
Octoblepharum stramineum Mitt. M. P. Kuc G9 16 Sep 1982 Guyana The Bell - Ituni between… 2044584 Octoblepharum stramineum Mitt.
Octoblepharum pulvinatum (Dozy & Molk.) Mitt. D. G. Mann 37 28 Aug 1991 Belize Rio Bravo Reserve 2044526 Octoblepharum pulvinatum (Dozy & Molk.) Mitt.
Octoblepharum albidum Hedw. 2044472 Octoblepharum albidum Hedw.
Octoblepharum albidum Hedw. 2044476 Octoblepharum albidum Hedw.
Octoblepharum albidum Hedw. 2044475 Octoblepharum albidum Hedw.
Octoblepharum albidum Hedw. 2044461 Octoblepharum albidum Hedw.
Octoblepharum albidum Hedw. S. P. Churchill 17627 08 Apr 1991 Colombia Comisaria del Guainia. Puerto de… 2044415 Octoblepharum albidum Hedw.
Octoblepharum rhaphidostegium Müll.Hal. ex Broth. 02044579 Octoblepharum rhaphidostegium Müll.Hal. ex Broth.
Octoblepharum pulvinatum (Dozy & Molk.) Mitt. 2044546 Octoblepharum pulvinatum (Dozy & Molk.) Mitt.
Octoblepharum albidum Hedw. E. U. Clover 10241 08 Feb 1947 Guatemala east of Fiscal 2044397 Octoblepharum albidum Hedw.
Octoblepharum albidum Hedw. T. G. Yuncker 5115 28 Jul 1934 Honduras near San Juan carib village,… 2044398 Octoblepharum albidum Hedw.
Octoblepharum albidum Hedw. T. G. Yuncker 5115 28 Jul 1934 Honduras near San Juan carib village,… 2044399 Octoblepharum albidum Hedw.
Octoblepharum albidum Hedw. T. G. Yuncker 5114 08 Aug 1934 Honduras near Lancetilla 2044400 Octoblepharum albidum Hedw.
Octoblepharum albidum Hedw. T. G. Yuncker 5114 08 Aug 1934 Honduras near Lancetilla 2044401 Octoblepharum albidum Hedw.
Octoblepharum albidum Hedw. 2044445 Octoblepharum albidum Hedw.
Octoblepharum albidum Hedw. 2044446 Octoblepharum albidum Hedw.