Octoblepharum albidum Hedw.

1-3 m on palm stem
2-4 km above the first rapids on the Rio
Pacaas Novos. Lat. ca 11° S, Long, ca 64tíW.
Mature forest with sandstone and grantic
exposures. Ridges of Serra dos Pacaas
Novos along the river, to ca 400 m.
William D. Reese 13510	15-22 Mar 1978
Collected Jan-Apr 1978 with the support of the National Science Foundation, the Conselho
Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico, The New York Botanical Garden,
the instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia, The University of Michigan, the Museu
Cíoeldi, and the University of Southwestern Louisiana; and with the collaboration of W.
Anderson, C. Damiao, G. McPherson, J. Ramos, and J. Ubiratan^^^^J^^~~^^ ;