Displaying 1 - 50 out of 209 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Miconia fuliginosa Wurdack F. Prieto P314 10-19 Sep 1945 Ecuador Azuay "Oriente" Border: Eastern Cordillera, between… isotype 229156 Miconia fuliginosa Wurdack
Diplostephium crypteriophyllum Cuatrec. F. Prieto P-284 10 Sep 1945-19 Sep 1945 Ecuador Azuay Prov. Azuay--"Oriente" border: Eastern Cordillera,… isotype 168215 Diplostephium crypteriophyllum Cuatrec.
Piper lancilimbum Yunck. F. Prieto ChuP8 20 Nov 1944-22 Nov 1944 Ecuador Santiago-Zamora. Low hills west of… holotype 251417 Piper lancilimbum Yunck.
Piper lancilimbum Yunck. F. Prieto ChuP8 20 Nov 1944-22 Nov 1944 Ecuador Santiago-Zamora. Low hills west of… isotype 251418 Piper lancilimbum Yunck.
Hypericum prietoi N.Robson F. Prieto P-302 10 Sep 1945-19 Sep 1945 Ecuador Azuay "Oriente" border: Eastern Cordillera, between… holotype 75919 Hypericum prietoi N.Robson
Elleanthus amethystinoides Garay F. Prieto P168 28 Jan 1945 Ecuador Cañar Between Azogues and San Marcos,… isotype 8755 Elleanthus amethystinoides Garay
Syngonanthus yacuambensis Moldenke F. Prieto P197 10 Sep 1945-19 Sep 1945 Ecuador Azuay "Oriente" border: Eastern Cordillera, between… type 103714 Syngonanthus yacuambensis Moldenke
Ceratostema prietoi A.C.Sm. F. Prieto CP-13 06 Sep 1944-10 Sep 1944 Ecuador Cañar Near El Corazón, between San… isotype 9970 Ceratostema prietoi A.C.Sm.
Axinaea scutigera subsp. ecuadorensis Wurdack F. Prieto JP50A 13-16 Jul 1944 Ecuador Loja Hda. Anganuma, at headquarters of… isotype 221366 Axinaea scutigera subsp. ecuadorensis Wurdack
Ranunculus muricatus L. F. Prieto 2666 16 Apr 1945 Ecuador Azuay Vicinity of Cuenca, along río… 649357 Ranunculus muricatus L.
Bartlettina campii R.M.King & H.Rob. F. Prieto E-4935 20 Aug 1945-24 Aug 1945 Ecuador Prov. Santiago-Zamora ("Oriente"): eastern slopes… holotype 162502 Bartlettina campii R.M.King & H.Rob.
Munnozia campii H.Rob. F. Prieto E-4934 20 Aug 1945-24 Aug 1945 Ecuador Santiago-Zamora. (Oriente")"Eastern slopes of the… holotype 230702 Munnozia campii H.Rob.
Miconia onaensis Wurdack F. Prieto P-211 10-19 Sep 1945 Ecuador Azuay "Oriente" Border: Eastern Cordillera, between… isotype 229280 Miconia onaensis Wurdack
Diplostephium juniperinum Cuatrec. F. Prieto P-288 10 Sep 1945-19 Sep 1945 Ecuador Azuay Prov. Azuay-"Oriente" border: Eastern Cordillera,… isotype 168226 Diplostephium juniperinum Cuatrec.
Meriania campii Wurdack F. Prieto E4919 20-24 Aug 1945 Ecuador Santiago-Zamora. Near juction of Ríos… isotype 228955 Meriania campii Wurdack
Brachyotum ecuadorense Wurdack F. Prieto P307 10-19 Sep 1945 Ecuador Azuay "Oriente" Border: Eastern Cordillera, between… holotype 221457 Brachyotum ecuadorense Wurdack
Burmeistera oblongifolia E.Wimm. F. Prieto E-4925 20 Aug 1945-24 Aug 1945 Ecuador Santiago-Zamora. Near junction of rios… isotype 467998 Burmeistera oblongifolia E.Wimm.
Geranium exallum H.E.Moore F. Prieto 279 10 Sep 1945-19 Sep 1945 Ecuador Azuay Prov. Azuay-"Oriente" border" Eastern Cordillera,… holotype 468265 Geranium exallum H.E.Moore
Podocarpus glomeratus D.Don F. Prieto E-2710 16 Apr 1945 Ecuador Azuay Vicinity of Cuenca: along Río… 178830 Podocarpus glomeratus D.Don
Podocarpus glomeratus D.Don F. Prieto E-2710 14 Apr 1945 Ecuador Azuay Vicinity of Cuenca: near union… 178834 Podocarpus glomeratus D.Don
Piper densiciliatum Yunck. F. Prieto P216 10 Sep 1945-19 Sep 1945 Ecuador Azuay "Oriente" border: Eastern Cordillera, between… holotype 251262 Piper densiciliatum Yunck.
Piper densiciliatum Yunck. F. Prieto P216 10 Sep 1945-19 Sep 1945 Ecuador Azuay "Oriente" border: Eastern Cordillera, between… isotype 251263 Piper densiciliatum Yunck.
Lepechinia rufocampii Epling & Mathias F. Prieto E-2575 13 Apr 1945 Ecuador Azuay Parroquia J. V. Izquierdo, at… isotype 700 Lepechinia rufocampii Epling & Mathias
Miconia stenophylla Wurdack F. Prieto P312 10-19 Sep 1945 Ecuador Azuay "Oriente" Border: crest, Eastern Cordillera,… isotype 229389 Miconia stenophylla Wurdack
Clidemia campii Wurdack F. Prieto E4942 20-24 Aug 1943 Ecuador Santiago-Zamora. "Oriente": Eastern slope of… isotype 221534 Clidemia campii Wurdack
Telipogon venustus Schltr. F. Prieto P-207 10 Sep 1945 - 19 Sep 1945 Ecuador Azuay "Oriente: border: Eastern Cordillera, between… 842070 Telipogon venustus Schltr.
Govenia F. Prieto E-2740 19 Apr 1945 Ecuador Azuay Vicinity of Cuenca. Along río… 960346 Govenia
Govenia F. Prieto E-2740 19 Apr 1945 Ecuador Azuay Vicinity of Cuenca. Along río… 960347 Govenia
Epidendrum citrochlorinum Hágsater & Dodson F. Prieto P-292 10 Sep 1945 - 19 Sep 1945 Ecuador Azuay "Oriente: border: Eastern Cordillera, between… 1045564 Epidendrum citrochlorinum Hágsater & Dodson
Epidendrum microtum (Lindl.) Hágsater & L.Sánchez F. Prieto P-234 10 Sep 1945 - 19 Sep 1945 Ecuador Azuay "Oriente: border: Eastern Cordillera, between… 1045729 Epidendrum microtum (Lindl.) Hágsater & L.Sánchez
Epidendrum alopecurum Schltr. F. Prieto ChuP-26 20 Nov 1944 - 22 Nov 1944 Ecuador Santiago-Zamora. Low hills west of… 1047827 Epidendrum alopecurum Schltr.
Epidendrum ophiochilum Hágsater & Dodson F. Prieto P-235 10 Sep 1945 - 19 Sep 1945 Ecuador Azuay "Oriente" Border: Eastern Cordillera, between… isotype 1044650 Epidendrum ophiochilum Hágsater & Dodson
Dalea jamesonii (J.F.Macbr.) J.F.Macbr. F. Prieto P-180 28 Jan 1945 Ecuador Cañar Parroquia Luis Cordero, along trail:… 1306573 Dalea jamesonii (J.F.Macbr.) J.F.Macbr.
Wissadula ecuadoriensis Fryxell F. Prieto W. H. Camp E-2545 10 Apr 1945 Ecuador Azuay Valley of the Río Paute,… holotype 1477546 Wissadula ecuadoriensis Fryxell
Miconia venulosa Wurdack F. Prieto ChuP-10 20 Nov 1944 - 22 Nov 1944 Ecuador Santiago-Zamora. West of río Upano,… 1738816 Miconia venulosa Wurdack
Cavendishia bracteata (Ruiz & Pav. ex J.St.-Hil.) Hoerold F. Prieto CP-33 06 Sep 1944 - 10 Sep 1944 Ecuador Cañar Valley of río de Canar… 2494479 Cavendishia bracteata (Ruiz & Pav. ex J.St.-Hil.) Hoerold
Fernandezia sanguinea (Lindl.) Garay & Dunst. F. Prieto P-273 10 Sep 1945 - 19 Sep 1945 Ecuador Azuay 'Oriente' Border: Eastern Cordillera, between… 2507535 Fernandezia sanguinea (Lindl.) Garay & Dunst.
Ceratostema alatum (Hoerold) Sleumer F. Prieto P-295 10 Sep 1945 Ecuador Azuay "Oriente" Border: Eastern Cordillera, between… 2496561 Ceratostema alatum (Hoerold) Sleumer
Ceratostema prietoi A.C.Sm. F. Prieto CP-34 06 Sep 1944 - 10 Sep 1944 Ecuador Cañar Valley of Río de Cañar… 2496748 Ceratostema prietoi A.C.Sm.
Ceratostema prietoi A.C.Sm. F. Prieto CP-28 06 Sep 1944 - 10 Sep 1944 Ecuador Cañar Valley of Río de Cañar… 2496749 Ceratostema prietoi A.C.Sm.
Gaultheria amoena A.C.Sm. x G. vaccinioides Wedd. F. Prieto P-266 10 Sep 1945 - 19 Sep 1945 Ecuador Azuay "Oriente" border: Eastern Cordillera, between… 2526146 Gaultheria amoena A.C.Sm. x G. vaccinioides Wedd.
Gaultheria erecta Vent. F. Prieto P-93 25 Sep 1944 Ecuador Cañar Near San Marcos, 10 km… 2527223 Gaultheria erecta Vent.
Gaultheria erecta Vent. F. Prieto P-120 27 Sep 1944 Ecuador Cañar Parroquia Bayas; Valley of Río… 2527224 Gaultheria erecta Vent.
Gaultheria glomerata (Cav.) Sleumer F. Prieto P-92 25 Sep 1944 Ecuador Cañar Near San Marcus, 10 km… 2527857 Gaultheria glomerata (Cav.) Sleumer
Gaultheria glomerata (Cav.) Sleumer F. Prieto P-125 27 Sep 1944 Ecuador Cañar Parroquia Bayas, valley of Río… 2527904 Gaultheria glomerata (Cav.) Sleumer
Gaultheria lanigera Hook.f. var. lanigera F. Prieto P-301 10 Sep 1945 - 19 Sep 1945 Ecuador Azuay "Oriente" border: Eastern Cordillera, between… 2528208 Gaultheria lanigera Hook.f. var. lanigera
Gaultheria reticulata Kunth F. Prieto P-114 27 Sep 1944 Ecuador Cañar Parroquia Bayas, valley of rio… 2528351 Gaultheria reticulata Kunth
Gaultheria tomentosa Kunth F. Prieto P-101 25 Sep 1944 Ecuador Cañar Near San Marcos, 10 km… 2528786 Gaultheria tomentosa Kunth
Gaylussacia loxensis Sleumer F. Prieto P-265 10 Sep 1945 - 19 Sep 1945 Ecuador Azuay "Oriente" Border: Eastern Cordillera, between… 2529132 Gaylussacia loxensis Sleumer
Macleania benthamiana Walp. F. Prieto P-118 27 Sep 1944 Ecuador Cañar Parroquia Bayas: valley of río… 2603289 Macleania benthamiana Walp.