Displaying 301 - 325 out of 452 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Brachythecium collinum (Schleich. ex Müll.Hal.) Schimp. D. Lyall United States of America Cascade Mts. 545711
Dryptodon patens (Dicks. ex Hedw.) Brid. D. Lyall United States of America Fort Coville to Rocky Mts. 345089
Bryum pseudotriquetrum (Hedw.) G.Gaertn., B.Mey. & Scherb. D. Lyall Canada Park River 107710
Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedw.) Schimp. D. Lyall 1861 United States of America Rocky Mountains 505672
Dicranum fuscescens Turner D. Lyall Canada Pack River 111930
Rhytidiopsis robusta (Hook.) Broth. D. Lyall Canada Pack River 219295
Oncophorus virens (Hedw.) Brid. D. Lyall Canada Galton Mountains 124320
Tortula leucostoma (R.Br.) Hook. & Grev. D. Lyall Aug 1854 Canada Beechy Island 130159
Tortula leucostoma (R.Br.) Hook. & Grev. D. Lyall Jul 1854 Canada Beechy Island 130160
Didymodon rigidulus var. gracilis (Schleich. ex Hook. & Grev.) R.H.Zander D. Lyall Jul 1854 Canada Beechy Island 123015
Plagiomnium affine (Blandow ex Funck) T.J.Kop. D. Lyall Jul 1854 Canada Beechy Island 143338
Pottia heimii var. arctica Lindb. D. Lyall Jul 1954 Canada Beechy Island 129526
Aplodon wormskjoldii (Hornem.) Kindb. D. Lyall Jul 1832 Greenland Cape York. 649878
Orthotrichum strangulatum P.Beauv. D. Lyall s.n. s.d. Canada Cascade Mountains 507899
Tortula gelida Mitt. D. Lyall Davis Straits probable type 371703 Tortula gelida Mitt.
Brachythecium salebrosum (Hoffm. ex F.Weber & D.Mohr) Schimp. D. Lyall Canada Near the 49 th Par.… 165459
Hypnum circinale Hook. D. Lyall 1858 - 1859 United States of America Oregon Boundary Commission 610707
Hylocomium splendens (Hedw.) Schimp. D. Lyall Canada Near the 49th parallel 216215
Conocephalum salebrosum Szweyk., Buczkowska & Odrzykoski D. Lyall Canada Near the 49th parallel 107641
Plagiopus oederianus (Sw.) H.A.Crum & L.E.Anderson D. Lyall Canada Near the 49th parallel 161146
Orthotrichum pallens Bruch ex Brid. D. Lyall s.n. s.d. United States of America Park River 462730
Pterygoneurum ovatum (Hedw.) Dixon D. Lyall 1861 Canada Cascade Mtns. 117110
Eurhynchium pulchellum (Hedw.) Jenn. D. Lyall Canada Fort Colville to Rocky Mts. 174325
Leskea laeviuscula Mitt. D. Lyall New Zealand Milford Sound lectotype 267951
Bartramia ithyphylla Brid. D. Lyall Canada Rocky mountains east side 152391