Displaying 301 - 325 out of 452 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Hypnum mundulum Hook.f. & Wilson D. Lyall 275 New Zealand Middle Island isotype 01206304 Hypnum mundulum Hook.f. & Wilson
Hypnum comatum Müll.Hal. D. Lyall s.n. s.d. New Zealand not a type 01243850 Hypnum comatum Müll.Hal.
Hookeria tenella Hook.f. & Wilson D. Lyall s.n. Mar 1850 New Zealand Banks' Peninsula type fragment 1257981 Hookeria tenella Hook.f. & Wilson
Hookeria tenella Hook.f. & Wilson D. Lyall s.n. Mar 1850 New Zealand type 1257982 Hookeria tenella Hook.f. & Wilson
Hookeria tenella Hook.f. & Wilson D. Lyall s.n. Mar 1850 New Zealand Banks Peninsula possible type 1257983 Hookeria tenella Hook.f. & Wilson
Camptochaete deflexa (Wilson) A.Jaeger D. Lyall New Zealand 01220943
Dendroligotrichum tongariroense (Colenso) Tangney D. Lyall New Zealand 01221002
Hypnum austrinum Hook.f. & Wilson D. Lyall New Zealand Chalky Bay syntype 01864690 Hypnum austrinum Hook.f. & Wilson
Hypnum muriculatum Hook.f. & Wilson D. Lyall Aug 1849 New Zealand Port Underwood, Cook's Straits syntype 01864709 Hypnum muriculatum Hook.f. & Wilson
Campylopus appressifolius Mitt. D. Lyall s.n. s.d. New Zealand lectotype 01861897 Campylopus appressifolius Mitt.
Sargassum sinclairii Hook.f. & Harv. D. Lyall s.n. Mar 1849 New Zealand Port Cooper, Banks' Peninsula 02273416 Sargassum sinclairii Hook.f. & Harv.
Pterocladia lucida (R.M.Br. ex W.B.Turner) J.Agardh D. Lyall s.n. Aug 1841 New Zealand Bay of Islands 02224625 Pterocladia lucida (R.M.Br. ex W.B.Turner) J.Agardh
Polytrichum commune Hedw. D. Lyall 209 Mar 1850 New Zealand S end of North Island 02742770
Hedenaesia austrina (Hook.f. & Wilson) Huttunen & Ignatov D. Lyall New Zealand Otago 01864703
Alsophila tricolor (Colenso) R.M.Tryon D. Lyall 1851 New Zealand Island 4032888 Alsophila tricolor (Colenso) R.M.Tryon
Ceramium cancellatum C.Agardh D. Lyall s.n. Mar 1849 New Zealand Port Cooper, Banks' Peninsula 02115091 Ceramium cancellatum C.Agardh
Stereocaulon ramulosum Räusch. D. Lyall s.n. s.d. New Zealand Middle Island 4514136 Stereocaulon ramulosum Räusch.
Lomentaria articulata (Huds.) Lyngb. D. Lyall s.n. Aug 1869 United Kingdom Wales Pembrokeshire, Broad Haven, St. Bride's… 02182637 Lomentaria articulata (Huds.) Lyngb.
Ceramium rubrum C.Agardh D. Lyall s.n. Aug 1869 United Kingdom Wales Pembrokeshire, St. Brides Bay, Broad… 02116279 Ceramium rubrum C.Agardh
Nemalion multifidum (F.Weber & D.Mohr) Chauv. D. Lyall Aug 1869 United Kingdom Wales Pembrokeshire Unitary Authority. Broad Haven,… 03355337 Nemalion multifidum (F.Weber & D.Mohr) Chauv.
Nitophyllum laceratum (S.G.Gmel.) Grev. D. Lyall s.n. Aug 1869 United Kingdom Wales Pembrokeshire Unitary Authority. in rock… 03355677 Nitophyllum laceratum (S.G.Gmel.) Grev.
Brachythecium collinum (Schleich. ex Müll.Hal.) Schimp. D. Lyall 1860 United States of America Oregon Cascade Mts. to Fort Colville 545710
Philonotis fontana (Hedw.) Brid. var. fontana D. Lyall United States of America Near 49 pan. [?], N… 439354
Fissidens adianthoides Hedw. D. Lyall United States of America Washington Stevens Co. Fort Colville and… 304090
Penstemon acuminatus Douglas ex Lindl. D. Lyall s.n. s.d. United States of America Washington Walla-Walla 541408 Penstemon acuminatus Douglas ex Lindl.