Jan 23 2025
Epidendrum is one of the largest of all plant genera in addition to being one of the most species rich orchid genera, with 1,878 described species, 127 of which are native to Mexico. Mexican botanist Eric Hágsater (Asociación Mexicana de Orquideología, Instituto Chinoin) is the world authority on the taxonomy, systematics, and evolution of this incredible genus, and has published over 1,000 new species of Epidendrum from across tropical America.
Most species of Epidendrum are epyphitic, clinging harmlessly to the branches of woody trees, hence their name, which is derived from the Greek words for "on trees" (epi and dendron). With so many species, Epidendrum is very morphologically diverse: their flowers come in a rainbow of colors, including red, orange, yellow, green, brown, and white, and plants can ranch from several feet tall, to just a few inches.