Monographs Details:

Maguire, Bassett. 1967. The botany of the Guayana Highland--Part VII. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 17: 1-439.

Scientific Name:


Species Description - Spikes borne at axils of bracts of partial inflorescences, densely spicate or nearly capitate, compound, consisting of 1 adaxial and 2 lateral glumes; the adaxial glume, prophylloid, flat and empty; lateral glumes keeled, subtending a sessile staminate spikelet with a few monandrous flowers; pistillate spikelet a sessile terminal perigynium enclosing a pistil; achene obovate, 3-sided, annulate at base with vestigial cupule; stigmas 3. Plants perennial with short ligneous rhizomes and dark purple stout roots, rarely stoloniferous; leaves radical, sometimes obscurely 2-ranked: laminas linear to lanceolate, the base often petiole-like; sheaths dilated, reddish-purple, more or less puberulent with short tubercle-based hairs culms lateral or central, scapelike; inflorescence umbellate or head-like with 1 to several oblong spikes or globose heads and 1 to few leaf-like involucral bracts.

Distribution and Ecology - Known only from several isolated localities in the Guianas and adjacent Amapa, and Vaupes, and the Pacific Coastal Region in Colombia.


Hoppia Nees. FI. Brasil. 2(1) :199. tJO. 1S42, non Hoppea tVilldenau, Ges. X a turf. Fr. Xeue Schr. 3 : 434. 1801.

Bisboeckelera inigva (Nees) O.Kuntze.

H.Pfeiffer (Report. Sp. Nov. 42: 252-256. 1937) who previously have studied the genus Bisboeckelera recognized six and three species respectively. This rather great difference in opinions reflected the need of detailed studies of this genus particularly in the specific levels including some nomenclatural adjustments. Two of the six species attributed by Standley are transferred to other genera. The species that I recognize as valid under the genus Bisboeckelera are four. Since detailed descriptions of those species have not been available for more than a century amplified descriptions are given and will facilitate the identification and comparison of the species.