The following field guides consist of ready-to-download, full-color plant guides which may be printed and laminated thereby making them waterproof and practical for use in the field. These guides may not, however, be used for commercial purposes and posting of the rapid guides on other web sites is only allowed with permission of the authors. (Please contact Catherine Bainbridge.)

The guides have images of plants found in specific habitats (e.g., mangroves) or plant groups (e.g., Melastomataceae). Multiple images — illustrating the whole plant, inflorescence, fruit, and seeds — are often presented for each species, in order to provide the user with the best possible chance of identifying a plant they see in the field, whether they happen to be a biology student or someone who simply enjoys the pleasure of learning more about the Osa’s spectacular plant life.

Available Rapid Guides:


Endangered Trees:

Click here for descriptions of rare and endangered tree species in the Osa Peninsula.