Filed As:
Fimbristylis spadicea (L.) Vahl
Fimbristylis spadicea (L.) Vahl
United States of America. Nevada. Nye Co. White River Valley, Mormon Springs, 2.7 road miles south of the Wells Summit Station road. Alt. 1615 m. (5298 ft.)
United States of America. Nevada. Nye Co. White River Valley, Mormon Springs, 2.7 road miles south of the Wells Summit Station road. Alt. 1615 m. (5298 ft.)
Phenology of specimen: Flower.
Phenology of specimen: Flower.
Plants growing along the stream from the hot springs.
Plants growing along the stream from the hot springs.
NY Barcode: 01138385
GUID: 831d05fc-9831-4750-87d6-e88314c7e8f7
NY Barcode: 01138385
GUID: 831d05fc-9831-4750-87d6-e88314c7e8f7
Georeferencing Method: GEOLocate Web Application (Used GEOLocate Web Application to convert TRS values (provided on specimen label) into decimal degrees.)
Coordinate Uncertainty(m): 969
Coordinates: (38.5967, -115.145)
Georeferencing Method: GEOLocate Web Application (Used GEOLocate Web Application to convert TRS values (provided on specimen label) into decimal degrees.)
Coordinate Uncertainty(m): 969
Coordinates: (38.5967, -115.145)