Filed As:
Inga nobilis Willd.
Inga nobilis Willd.
Brazil. Amazonas. Humaitá Mun. Margem esquerda do rio Madeira, na beira do rio. 1 km ao norte da cidade de Humaitá.
Brazil. Amazonas. Humaitá Mun. Margem esquerda do rio Madeira, na beira do rio. 1 km ao norte da cidade de Humaitá.
Em frutificação.
Em frutificação.
GUID: 32143952-3501-44a4-8c31-0ad2c2f02e80
GUID: 32143952-3501-44a4-8c31-0ad2c2f02e80
Georeferencing Method: Georeferencing Quick Reference Guide, Version 2012 (Coordinates found by measuring 1 km north along Rio Madeira from where river comes nearest to center of Humaitá. Linear extent calculated as distance from center to farthest extent of river within Humaitá. Uncertainty was found using MaNIS Georef. Calc.)
Coordinate Uncertainty(m): 3737
Geodetic Datum: WGS84
Coordinates: (-7.4927, -63.0225)
Georeferencing Method: Georeferencing Quick Reference Guide, Version 2012 (Coordinates found by measuring 1 km north along Rio Madeira from where river comes nearest to center of Humaitá. Linear extent calculated as distance from center to farthest extent of river within Humaitá. Uncertainty was found using MaNIS Georef. Calc.)
Coordinate Uncertainty(m): 3737
Geodetic Datum: WGS84
Coordinates: (-7.4927, -63.0225)