Summit of an ovary of Grias cauliflora. Photo by N. P. Smith.
Summit of an ovary of Grias cauliflora. Photo by N. P. Smith.
N. P. Smith
N. P. Smith
Summit of an ovary of Grias cauliflora based on Aguilar 9707 from the Osa Peninsula, Puntarenas Province, Costa Rica. Note that the capitate stigma is 4-lobed but only three of the lobes are seen in this image. The style is very short. From pickled material.
Summit of an ovary of Grias cauliflora based on Aguilar 9707 from the Osa Peninsula, Puntarenas Province, Costa Rica. Note that the capitate stigma is 4-lobed but only three of the lobes are seen in this image. The style is very short. From pickled material.