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Displaying 81 - 114 out of 114 Object(s)
Taxon Collector Location Type Status Barcode
Pleurothyrium poeppigii NeesB. A. Krukoff 5722 Brazil. Acre. Basin of Rio Purus, near mouth of Rio Macauhan, (tributary of the Rio Iaco).86509400865094-01.jpg
Pleurothyrium poeppigii NeesB. A. Krukoff 5722
27 Aug 1933
Brazil. Acre. Sena Madureira Mun. Mouth of Rio Macauhan (tributary of Rio Yaco).86509500865095-01.jpg
Pleurothyrium poeppigii NeesB. A. Krukoff 5255
3 Aug 1933
Brazil. Acre. Sena Madureira Mun. Mouth of Rio Macauhan (tributary of Rio Yaco).86509300865093.jpg
Pleurothyrium vasquezii van der WerffJ. E. L. S. Ribeiro 1689
1 Sep 1995
Brazil. Amazonas. Manaus Mun. Reserva Florestal Ducke, Manaus-Itacoatiara, km 26. Igarapé Barro Branco.01203381v-120-01203381.jpg
Pleurothyrium roberto-andinoi C.NelsonC. H. Nelson 13119 with Roberto Andino,
17 Oct 1991
Honduras. Comayagua. Camino entre quebrada El Destiladero y represa de El Coyolar, 10 km. O. y 4 km. N de Zambrano.isotype34617900346179.jpg
Pleurothyrium arcuatum van der WerffN. Jaramillo 850 with D. Chamik,
11 Oct 1995
Peru. Amazonas. Bagua Prov. Yamayakat.isotype68833600688336.jpg
Pleurothyrium densiflorum A.C.Sm.G. Klug 1372
May-Jun 1930
Peru. Loreto. Alto Amazonas Prov. Mishuyacu, near Iquitos.holotype35593300355933.jpg
Pleurothyrium intermedium (Mez) RohwerV. Pesha Baca 10
12 Sep 1990
Peru. Madre de Dios. Tambopata Prov. Rio Tambopata. C.N. Infierno. Hermosa Chica. Zona Centro 'Ñape', Study plot 1.196196
Pleurothyrium poeppigii NeesJ. M. Schunke-Vigo 6225
10 May 1973
Peru. San Martín. Lamas Prov. Alonso de Alvarado; "Fundo las Flores", al este de San Juan de Pacayzapa.0271293902712939.jpg
Pleurothyrium panurense (Meisn.) MezD. C. Daly 7765 with M. Silveira, R. Saraiva, F. Walthier, J. Gebhards,
04 Apr 1993
Brazil. Acre. Marechal Thaumaturgo Mun. Rio Juruá, Reserva Extrativisita do alto Juruá, Seringal Damião.01203383v-120-01203383.jpg
PleurothyriumJ. L. Clark 14044 with Neill, D.; Clavijo, L.,
13 May 2014
Ecuador. Tungurahua. Baños (Canton). Parroquia: Rio Negra, Río Zuñac Reserve (EcoMinga Foundation), Llanganates-Sangay Ecological Corridor. Permanent Plot #1.
Pleurothyrium bilocellatum van der WerffA. van der Werff 21882 with B. Gray & W. Quizhpe,
02 Nov 2006
Ecuador. Zamora Chinchipe. Nangaritza (Canton). Cordillera del Cóndor region, in upper Río Nangaritza valley. Along road near Pachicutza, south of Guayzimi.isotype0214737402147374.jpg
Pleurothyrium obscurinerve van der WerffJ. L. Clark 4111 with P. Nutt,
25 Mar 1997
Ecuador. Esmeraldas. Quinindé (Canton). Bilsa Biological Station. Reserva Ecologica Mache-Chindul, 35 km NW of Quinindé. Permanent Plot #1.isotype0214737102147371.jpg
Pleurothyrium giganthum van der WerffJ. L. Clark 546 with Troya, Y.,
30 Mar 1995
Ecuador. Esmeraldas. Quinindé (Canton). The Mache-Chindul Ecological Reserve. Bilsa Biological Station. Mache Mountains, 35 km W of Quinindé, 5 km W of Santa Isabel. Along Dogala trail.286209502862095.jpg
Pleurothyrium giganthum van der WerffJ. L. Clark 1658 with Cunningham, K.; Roberts, C.; Barist, A.,
24 Nov 1995
Ecuador. Esmeraldas. Quinindé (Canton). The Mache-Chindul Ecological Reserve. Bilsa Biological Station. Mache Mountains, 35 km W of Quinindé, 5 km W of Santa Isabel.304286003042860.jpg
Pleurothyrium giganthum van der WerffJ. L. Clark 2058 with Kerber, N.; Plihal, J.; Leeds, S.,
17 Feb 1996
Ecuador. Esmeraldas. Quinindé (Canton). The Mache-Chindul Ecological Reserve. Bilsa Biological Station. Mache Mountains, 35 km W of Quinindé, 5 km W of Santa Isabel.
Pleurothyrium cinereum van der WerffJ. L. Clark 1659 with Cunningham, K.; Roberts, C.; Barist, A.,
24 Nov 1995
Ecuador. Esmeraldas. Quinindé (Canton). The Mache-Chindul Ecological Reserve. Bilsa Biological Station. Mache Mountains, 35 km W of Quinindé, 5 km W of Santa Isabel. Collections made from logging site near the school, Paraíso.
Pleurothyrium obscurinerve van der WerffJ. L. Clark 2397 with Leffingwell, J.; Garces, J.,
04 Apr 1996
Ecuador. Esmeraldas. Quinindé (Canton). The Mache - Chindul Ecological Reserve. Bilsa Biological Station. Mache Mountains, 35 km W of Quinindé, 5 km W of Santa Isabel. Near permanent plot #1.
Pleurothyrium giganthum van der WerffJ. L. Clark 4783 with Pallis, C.; Martin, D.,
21 Mar 1998
Ecuador. Esmeraldas. Quinindé (Canton). Reserva Ecológica Mache - Chindul. Bilsa Biological Station, 35 km W of Quinindé, 5 km W of Santa Isabel. Permanent plot #3.
Pleurothyrium giganthum van der WerffJ. L. Clark 4886 with Pallis, C.; Martin, D.,
25 Mar 1998
Ecuador. Esmeraldas. Quinindé (Canton). Reserva Ecológica Mache - Chindul. Bilsa Biological Station, 35 km W of Quinindé, 5 km W of Santa Isabel. Permanent plot #3.
Pleurothyrium giganthum van der WerffJ. L. Clark 10113 with University of Alabama in Ecuador Program Participants - 2008,
12 May 2008
Ecuador. Esmeraldas. Quinindé (Canton). Reserva Ecológica Mache-Chindul, 35 km W of Quinindé. The Bilsa Biological Station. Cordillera Mache-Chindul. Collections made along main road between Sta. Isabel and Station.0270307402703074.jpg
Pleurothyrium triflorum van der Werff 0406412304064123.jpg
Pleurothyrium longissimum (Lib.) Bubák 0344341903443419.jpg
Pleurothyrium longissimum (Lib.) Bubák 0344342103443421.jpg
Pleurothyrium longissimum (Lib.) Bubák 0344342003443420.jpg
Pleurothyrium bilocellatum van der Werff 0329264903292649.jpg
Pleurothyrium vasquezii van der Werff 0291303902913039.jpg
Pleurothyrium prancei van der WerffG. T. Prance 12392 with P.J.M. Maas, K. Kubitzki, W.C. Steward, J.F. Ramos, W.S. Pinheiro & J.F. Lima,
24 Apr 1971
Brazil. Acre. Mâncio Lima Mun. Vicinity of Serra da Moa. Varzea forest.86509600865096.jpg
Pleurothyrium trianae (Mez) Rohwer 0286231202862312.jpg
Pleurothyrium trianae (Mez) Rohwer 0286231302862313.jpg
Pleurothyrium cuneifolium Nees 0263725202637252.jpg
Pleurothyrium pascoense van der Werff 0263726202637262.jpg
Pleurothyrium trianae (Mez) Rohwer 0263726302637263.jpg
Pleurothyrium cinereum van der WerffJ. L. Clark 1659 with Cunningham, K.; Roberts, C.; Barist, A.,
24 Nov 1995
Ecuador. Esmeraldas. Quinindé (Canton). The Mache-Chindul Ecological Reserve. Bilsa Biological Station. Mache Mountains, 35 km W of Quinindé, 5 km W of Santa Isabel. Collections made from logging site near the school, Paraíso.0426381904263819.jpg