Staminodes geniculate.
Staminodes geniculate.
Abruptly bent like a flexed knee.
Abruptly bent like a flexed knee.
Up to now, reflexed staminodes have only been found in Lecythis brancoensis. Geniculate staminodes arise from the proximal part of the androecial hood of this species and reflexed stamens arise the staminal tube of some actinomorphic-flowered species, e.g., species of Allantoma and Grias.
Up to now, reflexed staminodes have only been found in Lecythis brancoensis. Geniculate staminodes arise from the proximal part of the androecial hood of this species and reflexed stamens arise the staminal tube of some actinomorphic-flowered species, e.g., species of Allantoma and Grias.