Title: Sections of stamens of Eschweilera jefensis. Photo by C. Carollo.
Description: Sectioned stamens of Eschweilera jefensis based on Mori 7728 from Panama. Note the apical constriction at the apex of the filament (= filament stalk). At this stage of development there is one theca (marked with \"a\") on each side of the anther connective because the original two thecae on each side have coalesced into one on each side. A remnant of the wall that originally divided the two thecae can be seen at the tip of the right hand most arrow. The anther dehisces laterally. Microscope slide: Mori 7728 204-4-3-Floral bud LP
Theca (plural = thecae)
The chamber of an anther in which the pollen is produced.