
Cotyledons absent (= embryo macropodial)

A massive embryo that shows no obvious cotyledons.

In neotropical Lecythidaceae, there are three types of embryos: 1) cotyledons leaf-like (= cotyldeons foliaceous) in which the cotyledons are similar to small leaves but differ by being opposite to one another rather than alternate; this type is found in species of Allantoma, Cariniana, Couratari, and Couroupita; 2) cotyledons fleshy in which the cotyledons are irregularly shaped, solid structures; this type is found only in Gustavia; and 3) cotyledons absent (= embryo macropodial) in which the cotyledons are not developed but the hypocotyl takes the place of the cotyledons; this includes other genera, e.g., Grias and Lecythis.