
Androecial hood: Corythophora alta-type

A thickened hood, bearing staminodes.

Similar to the Lecythis corrugata-type, but with staminodes on the hood instead of without staminodes on the hood. In addition, this type lacks a band of staminodes on the ligular side of the staminal ring. However, note that the staminodes are in two groups, one group on the hood and the other on the ligule proximal to the androecial hood. In the other species with this type of hood, Corythophora rimosa, the staminodes are all on the hood. Corythophora alta and C. rimosa are sister to one another in a molecular study of Lecythidaceae (Mori et al., 2007). The other two species in the genus have the Lecythis corrugata-type hood.