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Displaying 1 - 5 out of 5 Object(s)
Term Definition
Anther The pollen-bearing part of the stamen. Lateral and poricidal anther dehiscence. Drawing by B. Angell.
Anther connective The tissue that connects the thecae on one side of an anther to the thecae on the other side. Stamens of Grias peruviana. Photo by C. Carollo.
Anther dehiscence lateral Anthers that dehisce by lateral slits. Androecium of Lecythis holcogyne. Photo by N. P. Smith.
Anther dehiscence poricidal Anthers that open (dehisce) and release pollen via a terminal pore. Poricidal anthers and unidimensional filaments. Drawing by B. Antell.
Anther theca (pl. = thecae) The chambers of an anther in which the pollen is produced. Same as pollen sac. Stamens of Grias peruviana. Photo by C. Carollo.