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Term Definition
Habitat El lugar donde crece una planta, por ejemplo: un humedal, un bosque muy húmedo, una savana, etc…
Habitat The place where a plant grows, for example in a wet area along a stream, in a pond, rain forest, savanna etc. Habit and habitat of Canavalia rosea. Photo by R. Aguilar.
Habitat Hectares Approach Method for vegetation or habitat quality assessment for extant native vegetation. Habit and habitat of Canavalia rosea. Photo by R. Aguilar.
Habitat Quality Score Habitat Quality Score, determined by the team at the Sampling Event site, as assessed by summing ten component scores as follows: Large Trees Score; Canopy Cover Score; Understory Score; Weediness Score; Recruitment Score; Litter Score; Loggy-ness; Patch Size; Neighborhood; Distance to Core. Habit and habitat of Canavalia rosea. Photo by R. Aguilar.