Title: Line drawing of Cariniana micrantha. Drawing by A. Tangerini.
Description: Cariniana micrantha (A-E, Mori et at. 20191, NY; H, I, Mori et al. 20675, NY). A. Branch with inflorescences. B. Close-up of inflorescence. C. Lateral view of flower. D. Top view of flower. E. Lateral view of androecium. F. Inferior ovary with all but sepals removed. G. Cross seclion of trilocular ovary. H. Base of fruit and operculum. I. Unilaterally winged seeds. Fig.11 in Mori, S. A. and N. Lepsch-Cunha. 1995. The Lecythidaceae of a central Amazonian moist forest. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 75: 1-55.
Unilaterally winged seed
Referring to a seed wing that arise from one side.