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Displaying 1 - 5 out of 5 Object(s)
Term Definition
Circumferentially winged seed A wing completely surrounding the circumference of the seed. Circumferentially winged seeds and leaf-like cotyledons of Couratari. Drawing by B. Angell.
Unilaterally winged seed Referring to a seed wing that arise from one side. Line drawing of Cariniana micrantha. Drawing by A. Tangerini.
Winged With a thin, conspicuous ridge running down the length of a structure such as a stem, leaf rachis, ovary, or fruit. Same as alate. Paripinnate leaf of Pistachia lenticulus. Photo by S. A. Mori.
Winged fruit Referring to fruits that either have have wings along their length that do not aid in wind dispersal or to fruits that have well-developed wings that aid in wind dispersal. Note that both winged fruits and winged seeds aid in wind dispersal. Leaf and fruits of Pterocarpus rohrii. Photo by S. A. Mori.
Winged seed Referring to seeds with a wing-like extensions that surround the seed, are are two sides of the side, or extend from one end of the seed, all of which facilitate wind dispersal. Examples of winged seeds. Drawing by B. Angell.