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Term Definition
Column wing In the Orchidaceae referring to a broadening of the column towards the apice which is normally lateral, but may be curved upward or downward.
Seed wing circumferential A wing completely surrounding the circumference of the seed. Circumferentially winged seeds and leaf-like cotyledons of Couratari. Drawing by B. Angell.
Seed wing unilateral The seeds of species of and have wings that arise from one side. Fruit and seeds of Cariniana micrantha, Photo by S. A. Mori.
Wing Either of the two lateral petals of a flower of Fabaceae; a thin, flattened outgrowth from stems, petioles, fruits, or seeds,in the latter definition a winged organ is the same as an alate organ. Floral parts of a papilionoid legume. Photo by S. A. Mori.