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Term Definition
Vestigial stamen An appendage derived directly from a staminode and indirectly from a stamen that no longer has an anther or the anther is small and withered compared to the fertile anthers of normal stamens in the staminal ring or the fodder pollen-producing anthers of staminodes. Androecial appendages of neotropical Lecythidaceae.  Drawings by Bobbi Angell.
Vestigial stamen nectaries In the Lecythidaceae, the inner-most appendages at the apex of a fully-coiled, zygomorphic-flowered, neotropical Lecythidaceae that produce nectar which accumulates in the nectar chamber. Nectar-producing vestigial stamens and nectar chambers are only found in species of and . Fully coiled refers to species that have more than one inward coil, i.e., species with two or more coils. Nectar-producing vestigial stamens. Photos by S. A. Mori.