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Term Definition
Septal arms vestigial Lack of an extension from the apex of the lower placentae that appears like arms in medial longitudinal section but in an entire flower are conical around the base of the stylar canal. Placentation of Bertholletia excelsa. Photo by N. P. Smith.
Stalked vestigial stamens Vestigial stamens that are constricted at the point they are attached to the ligule. Medial longitudinal section of a bud of Lecythis ibiriba. Photo by N. P. Smith.
Vestigial Rudimentary. Medial longitudinal section of a bud of Lecythis ibiriba. Photo by N. P. Smith.
Vestigial stamen An appendage derived directly from a staminode and indirectly from a stamen that no longer has an anther or the anther is small and withered compared to the fertile anthers of normal stamens in the staminal ring or the fodder pollen-producing anthers of staminodes. Androecial appendages of neotropical Lecythidaceae.  Drawings by Bobbi Angell.
Vestigial stamen nectaries In the Lecythidaceae, the inner-most appendages at the apex of a fully-coiled, zygomorphic-flowered, neotropical Lecythidaceae that produce nectar which accumulates in the nectar chamber. Nectar-producing vestigial stamens and nectar chambers are only found in species of and . Fully coiled refers to species that have more than one inward coil, i.e., species with two or more coils. Nectar-producing vestigial stamens. Photos by S. A. Mori.
Vestigial stamens An appendage, most likely derived directly from a staminode and indirectly from a stamen, that no longer has an anther or the anther is small and withered compared to the fertile anthers of normal stamens in the staminal ring or the fodder pollen-producing antherodes of staminodes. The androecium of a zygomorphic-flowered Lecythidaceae. Photo by C. A. Gracie.
Vestigial stamens external Referring to an inwardly, once coiled androecial hood that possesses vestigial stamens only on the outside (externally of the coil. This feature is only used to describe species with at single coil. Medial section of flower of Lecythis minor. Photo by C. Galdames (SCZ).
Vestigial stamens external Referring to an inwardly curved hood that possesses vestigial stamens only on the outside of the coil; e.g., in the Lecythidaceae. Medial section of flower of Lecythis minor. Photo by C. Galdames (SCZ).
Vestigial stamens internal Referring to an inwardly, once-coiled androecial hood that possesses vestigial stamens on the inside (internally) as well as on the outside of the coil (externally). Flowers of Eschweilera tetrapetala. Photo by N. P. Smith.