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Term Definition
Lower/upper septum Referring to the combined lengths of the lower and the upper septa as seen in longitudinal sections. The two septae are divided by a septal articulation. The lower septa gives rise to the placenta and the upper septum develops into the columella of the fruit. Placentation of Lecythis persistens subsp. aurantiaca. Photo by C. M. Potascheff
Lower/upper septum articulation A joint between the lower septum and the upper section as seen in a longitudinal section of the ovary. Placentation of Allantoma lineata. Photo by C. Carollo.
Staminal tube upper chamber Differentiation in the staminal tube of species of defined by the size and orientation of lower part of the tube in comparison to the upper part of the tube. Section of a flower of Grias cauliflora. Photo by N. P. Smith.
Upper See adaxial. Section of a flower of Grias cauliflora. Photo by N. P. Smith.
Upper septum In neotropical Lecythidaceae, the part of a wall-like partition of a locule located above an articulation (often only seen as a thin line), as seen in longitudinal section, that divides the septum into a lower part and an upper part. Placentation of Lecythis minor. Photo by S. A. Mori. Slide prepared by D. Black.