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Term Definition
Androecial hood: Bertholletia-type The Bertholletia-type of androecial hood has appendages that are swept back into the interior of the hood which are called vestigial stamens; these appendages do not have anthers. Androecial hood: Bertholletia-type. Drawing by Bobbi Angell and photo by S. A. Mori
Androecial hood: Corythophora alta-type A thickened hood, bearing staminodes. Androecial hood: Corythophora alta-type. Photos by S. A. Mori.
Androecial hood: Couratari-type The androecial hood has an extra external flap found only in species of . Androecial hood o Couratari stellata. Photo by C. Gracie and drawing by B. Angell.
Androecial hood: Couroupita guianensis-type In this type of hood, there is an appendage-free area between the staminal ring and the androecial hood proper. The appendages bear normal looking anthers but they contain fodder pollen (=staminodes) and the hood is slightly thickened. Androecial hood of Couroupita guianensis. Drawing by Bobbi Angell.
Androecial hood: Couroupita subsessilis-type This type of androecial hood has three features: 1) an invagination, 2) a notch on the distal end as viewed from above, and 3) staminodes. Androecial hood: Couroupita subsessilis-type. Drawing by B. Angell.
Androecial hood: Eschweilera-type In this type of hood, the interior of the hood forms an inward coil and the vestigial stamens at the end of the coil are nectar-producing. Androecial hood: Eschweilera-type. Drawing by B. Angell.
Androecial hood: Lecythis corrugata-type In this type of androecial hood, the hood is flat and thickened, there are no appendages with anthers on the hood, and the vestigial stamens are poorly developed. Androecial hood: Lecythis corrugata-type. Drawing by B. angell.
Androecial hood: Lecythis idatimon-type The androecial hood is flat and there are only vestigial stamens representing the appendages of the hood. Androecial hood: Lecythis idatimon-type. Drawing by B. Angell. Photo by C. Gracie.
Androecial hood: Lecythis ollaria-type This type of androecial hood turns inward but does not form a complete coil, the vestigial stamens are all the same size, and lack anthers; thus, they are called vestigial stamens. Medial longitudinal section of the androecial hood of Lecythis tuyrana. Photo by C. Galdames (SCZ).
Androecial hood: Lecythis persistens subsp. persistens-type The androecial hood of this type is flat and the appendages of the hood are with anthers that bear fodder pollen and, thus, are called staminodes Androecial hood: Lecythis persistens subsp. persistens-type. Photos by S. A. Mori.
Androecial hood: Lecythis pisonis-type The androecial hood is separated from the staminal ring, the hood is flat, and there are staminodes proximally and vestigial stamens distally. Androecial hood: Lecythis pisonis-type. Drawing by Bobbi Angell.
Ligule: Couroupita nicaraguarensis-Type The androecium is prolonged from one side of the staminal ring into a ligule that is covered with stamens and staminodes without interruption from the staminal ring to the apex of the ligule, i.e., there is no appendage free ligule and there is no well-differentiated hood. There is, however, a progressive increase in staminodes from the staminal ring to the end of the ligule such that all appendages in the staminal ring are stamens and most appendages at the end of the ligule are staminodes. There are no antherless appendages on the ligule. Ligule of Couroupita nicaraguarensis. Drawing by B. Angell.
Type "A nomenclatural type (typus) is that element to which the name of a taxon is permanently attached, whether as the correct name or as a synonym. The nomenclatural type is not neccessarily the most typical or or representative element of a taxon." This quotation is from The International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (Vienna Code) 2006. The ICBN is updated every five years based on recommendations sent to the ICBN Committe and discussed at the International Botanical Congress which meets at different places in the world. The latest ICBN is available online (http://ibot.sav.sk/icbn/main.htm) and as hardcopy. Home page of the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature.
Type specimen A specimen chosen to represent a species and is cited as such in the publication in which the species is described. There are different types of types, e.g. see holotype, isotype, syntype. The International Code of Botanical Nomenclature now requires that one specimen be designated as the holoytpe. Herbarium sheet of Eschweilera squamata