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Displaying 1 - 12 out of 12 Object(s)
Term Definition
Calyx tube In a gamosepalous calyx, the lower fused part; less commonly, in Ericaceae with inferior ovaries, the proximal portion of the calyx fused with the ovary wall which is the same as hypanthium in other flowering plants.
Corolla tube In a gamopetalous corolla, the lower fused part. Longitudinal section of a flower of Jacaranda copaia. Drawing by B. Angell.
Floral tube A tube formed by the fusion of sepals, petals, or both, or as an outgrowth of the hypanthium. Nectar often accumulates within the floral tube. Longitudinal section of a flower of Jacaranda copaia. Drawing by B. Angell.
Receptacular tube In the Cactaceae, the broadened part of the receptacle between the summit of the ovary and the point at which the receptacle begins to broaden. Same as epigynous hypanthium. Longitudinal section of a flower of Jacaranda copaia. Drawing by B. Angell.
Staminal tube A floral tube formed by the fusion of androecial tissue, usually the filaments. Staminal tube. Photo by C. A. Gracie.
Staminal tube A tube formed by fusion of staminal tissue. Staminal tube of Allantoma lineata. Drawing by H. M. Fukuda.
Staminal tube extension An expansion from the abaxial side of the staminal tube of species of . Obliquely zygomorphic androecium of Carinaina domestica. Drawing by C. C. Clare.
Staminal tube lower chamber Differentiation in the staminal tube of species of defined by the size and orientation of lower part of the tube in comparison to the upper part of the tube. Section of a flower of Grias cauliflora. Photo by N. P. Smith.
Staminal tube rim The uppermost edge of a staminal tube. Staminal tube and staminal tube rim of a species of Gustavia. Drawing by B. Angell.
Staminal tube upper chamber Differentiation in the staminal tube of species of defined by the size and orientation of lower part of the tube in comparison to the upper part of the tube. Section of a flower of Grias cauliflora. Photo by N. P. Smith.
Staminal tube zygomorphic The prolongation of one side of the staminal tube of species of . Obliquely zygomorphic androecium of Carinaina domestica. Drawing by C. C. Clare.
Tube A chamber formed by the fusion of separate parts; e.g., the corolla tube or the tube of the spathe in Araceae. Obliquely zygomorphic androecium of Carinaina domestica. Drawing by C. C. Clare.