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Term Definition
Estilo terminal Se refiere a un estilo que está inserto en el ápice de un ovario
Seed germination terminal The seed germinates at the ends. Terminal and lateral seed germination of Lecythidaceae. Drawings by B. angell.
Terminal At the apex of an axis. Terminal and lateral seed germination of Lecythidaceae. Drawings by B. angell.
Terminal bud A bud that terminates the end of a stem or a twig. Terminal and lateral buds. Photo S. A. Mori.
Terminal inflorescence Referring to an inflorescences that arises from above the leaves Inflorescence and leaves of Eschweilera grandiflora. Photo by S. A. Mori.
Terminal leaflet In a pinnately compound leaf, the leaflet at the end of the rachis. Note that pinnately compound leaves with terminal leaflets are imparipinnate ( = odd pinnate). Imparipinnate leaf. Photo by S. A. Mori.
Terminal style Referring to a style that arises from the summit of the ovary. Imparipinnate leaf. Photo by S. A. Mori.