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Term Definition
Stipule A reduced leaflike or bractlike appendage, either solitary or paired, inserted at the base of the petiole and variable in morphology. Young stem of Lecythis pisonis. Photo by S. A. Mori.
Stipule A reduced leaflike or bractlike appendage, either solitary or paired, inserted at the base of the petiole and variable in morphology. Stipules of Luehea seemannii. Photo by Xavier Cornejo.
Stipule cap In some Rubiaceae (e.g., Duroia), the structure formed by the fusion of the stipules; it covers the apical buds and usually falls off as soon as the bud develops. Stipules of Luehea seemannii. Photo by Xavier Cornejo.
Stipule persistence In the Rubiaceae, the persistency of the stipules provides a useful character for identifying genera and subgenera. Readily caducous stipules are present only when the leaves are in bud; caducous stipules are present during leaf development but fall before the leaves fall; and persistent stipules are still present after the leaves of their node fall. Stipules of Luehea seemannii. Photo by Xavier Cornejo.
Stipule scar Referring to the scars left on the stem after the stipules have fallen. Because many stipules are caducous, one has to look carefully for scars to determine if stipules were present at an earlier stage of development. Stem and petiole bases of a species of Sapotaceae. Photo by S. A. Mori.