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Term Definition
Septal unit The shape of a section of a septum, including both the septal unit stalk and the septal unit head, as viewed in a cross section through the placenta. Placentation of L. poiteaui. Photo by C. M. Potascheff.
Septal unit anchor-shaped A type of septal unit headin which the sepal unit expands at the apex to form a broad and rounded head that appears somewhat like an anchor. Placentation of Corythophora rimosa subsp. rimosa. Photos by C. Carollo and C. Potascheff.
Septal unit arrowhead-shaped A triangular septal unit head that is extended from each side of the base of the septal head proper to form what looks like an arrowhead when viewed in a cross-section of the ovary at slightly below the apex of the placenta. Placentation of Couroupita guianensis. Photo by C. M. Potascheff
Septal unit double bit axe-shaped A type of septal unit which septal unit that possesses a truncate septal unit head and two basal extension and looking like a double bit axe in cross section. Placentation of Eschweilera andina. Photo by C. Carollo.
Septal unit head The expanded apical part of a septal unit which includes the head proper and many include two septal unit head extensions. Placentation of Lecythis poiteaui. Photo by C. M. Potascheff
Septal unit head extension Referring to basal extensions from a septal unit head to which the ovules are attached. Placentation of Lecythis persistens subsp. aurantiaca. Photo by C. M. Potascheff
Septal unit spear-shaped A septal unit shape with septal unit head triangular and the base ob-triangular such that it appears spear-shaped as seen in a cross-section of the ovary. In this type of septal unit, all sides of the septal unit head are slanted in orientation but the basal sides are usually, but not always, shorter than the apical sides. Species that have equal sides, i.e. appearing like a diamond, are also classified as spear-shaped. Spear-shaped septal unit of Gustavia grandibracteata. Photo by C. Carollo.
Septal unit stalk The part of the septum from its departure from the wall of the locule to the point at which it expands into the septal unit head. Placentation of L. poiteaui. Photo by C. M. Potascheff.